Nikolai Alexeyev Has Final Meltdown

Russian gay activist Nikolai Alexeyev, who until now was considered
Russia’s top lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocate,
appears to have ended his political career tonight in a series of
anti-Semitic Facebook and Twitter posts that have even his most ardent
supporters calling out his ongoing anti-Semitism.

I’d reported earlier on Alexeyev’s anti-Semitic social media posts last week, and on his earlier run-in with charges of anti-Semitism.
 Last week, in an apparent fit of ire against a (Jewish) man who penned
an op ed in OUT magazine critical of him, Alexeyev retweeted comments calling the author a “jewish pig” and “israeli monkey,” and calling OUT magazine a “jewish slut magazine that supports jews and their filthy faggotry propaganda.”  Alexeyev then tweeted and posted on Facebook his own comments about Jewish vodka being made from sperm.   More  at  America Blog
