Levi Kreis and Del Shores At Your Wedding

levi kreis at your wedding

With vivid lyrical insight & positive message, Tony Winner Levi Kreis’ 7th CD braves the darkest spaces and seeks to reclaim freedom.

Levi’s Kickstarter campaign just got a little sweeter….with perhaps  the coolest  reward ever!   Donations are rolling in at all levels; $10 – $2000.

If  someone is interested  in putting in $4000 the reward  is The Marriage Equality Package:   TONY Award Winner Levi Kreis will team up with Sordid Lives/Southern Baptist Sissies writer/director Del Shores to help make your wedding unforgettable. Kreis will sing at your wedding & Shores will legally marry you. Del is ordained through Universal Life Church w/ Credentials of Ministry. This is valid for most states, but makes sure to check with yours.  You can choose reception/ceremony or both. (10 song max) Reward includes their travel and accommodates. + 2 exclusive LK Kickstarter hoodies.  How cool is that???


These exclusive offers are only available until Monday at 11:59pm.  Check out this and much more here. 
