Anne Rice is no longer a Christian.

Anne Rice
is no longer a Christian.

The best-selling author of Interview With a Vampire and mother to novelist Christopher Rice posted on her Facebook page that she’s left the religion because she refuses to be “antigay,” “antifeminist,” and “anti-Democrat.”

Rice wrote, “It’s simply impossible for me to ‘belong’ to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I’ve tried. I’ve failed. I’m an outside. My conscience will allow nothing else.”

“In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian.”

In 2004, Rice announced in Newsweek that she from that point forward, she would “write only for the Lord.” The author continued to be a vocal supporter of gay rights while touting her Christian faith.

Her son, Christopher, is gay, has frequently contributed to The Advocate, and is the author of five best-selling novels.

Regarding my recent decision to step away from organized religion, I did an interview with NPR on All Things Considered, which is being broadcast this evening (August 2nd….5:50 p.m on the West Coast.) I welcome your responses to the interview.”
