Category Archives: Gay News

West Hollywood’s Iconic ABBEY Gets New Owner

The owner of a  West Hollywood  LGBT institution is passing the torch to the next generation.

David Cooley sold The Abbey Food & Bar and The Chapel to Tristan Schukraft. The acquisition is the latest in Schukraft’s portfolio of LGBTQ+ businesses, including the beachfront Tryst Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico. And  Puerto Vallarta.

“The Abbey is more than just a bar. It’s been a sanctuary for the LGBTQ+ community,” Cooley said in a statement. “The Abbey has been a place of happiness and acceptance for so many. Now, it’s time for someone new to lead. Tristan has been coming here for years. He gets what The Abbey means to people. I trust him to look after our community, our guests, and our team.”

Known in part for its iconic drag shows, Cooley founded The Abbey in 1991. It quickly became a hot spot in West Hollywood for celebrities, locals and tourists. Some of its accolades include being voted Time Out’s Best Gay Bar in Los Angeles and Zagat’s Most Popular Nightlife Destination.

Cher  stopped  by for the grand  re-opening recently.


Christina Aguilera at Euro Pride Malta 2023

Malta, the hidden gem of the Mediterranean, will host EuroPride Valletta 2023, September 7 to 17, 2023.

The archipelago will hold 10 days worth of exciting festivities including the EuroPride March on Saturday, September 16 in the capital city, Valletta and the Pride Concert with headliner, Christina Aguilera!

At the intersection of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Malta has always attracted people from all over the world. Diversity is ingrained in Maltese culture, and over the past few decades, Malta has made significant progress toward becoming an LGBTIQ+ friendly destination reinforced by anti-discrimination laws introduced in the Maltese Constitution in 2014.  For this reason, it should be no surprise that since October 2015, ILGA-Europe has ranked Malta #1 on the Rainbow Europe Map & Index for eight consecutive years!

Read More at PASSPORT! 


Gender Neutral Bathrooms coming to Airports

Picture it: Kansas City, 2023. A grandmother enters a restroom at the Kansas City International Airport (KCI), but stops abruptly when she sees a man inside, using a sink. She looks confused. The man glances at her over his shoulder.

“I’m just trying to figure out which way the ladies’ room is,” the woman tells him with a nervous laugh.

The man explains: There is no dedicated men’s or ladies’ room here. This is a unisex bathroom. Choose any stall with a green light over the door. A red light means a stall is occupied.

The woman raises her eyebrows and pauses, but says, “okay,” and walks toward the stalls.

“And then we can meet back here and wash our hands together,” the man says. They laugh.

This is the new all-gender washroom experience in KCI’s airport terminal, which opened in February 2023.

In July 2023, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport announced the opening of its own first multi-user all-gender bathroom, explaining in a statement that the change “helps create a better flow for travelers and reduces waiting and congestion.”

Read more at FROMMERS!



Keeping Up With Mike and Sebastian

Keeping Up with Mike & Sebastian

By Joey Amato

LGBTQ Americans may not have heard of Mike and Sebastian yet, but that is all about to change. The extremely handsome duo is currently living in Vienna, Austria but planning to relocate to Palm Springs in 2023 to start a new life together with their 7-year-old daughter Mia. They will be featured on one of Germany’s most highly watched reality television shows called Goodbye Deutschland.

Mike and Sebastian are local celebrities in German-speaking countries, having been involved in numerous entrepreneurial ventures and frequent guests of the media especially when it comes to speaking about two dad families.

Before we talk about their latest endeavors, here is a bit of background information. Mike was a singer who won Austria’s first TV band casting at the age of 21 and was a member of the pop band Sugarfree, with which he also won Austria´s national music prize “Amadeus”. He then passed the bar exam and in 2011 purchased a facility management company, restructured it, and had a successful business exit in 2022. After that he published the international bestseller “Blake the Drake and the enchanted Egg” which became a #1 bestseller on Amazon.

At the age of 24, Sebastian won a major national competition to develop an app for politics. He won €100,000 and was dubbed “the €100,000 man” in the media. He took over a small family business with a turnover of $250,000 dollars, which he, as sole owner, was able to develop within only a few years into an international player on the prefabricated house market bringing in over $7 million dollars in revenue.

Mike and Sebastian first met in 2015 at an event hosted by friends. Neither of them had planned to attend that night but as fate would have it, Mike immediately caught Sebastian’s eye. Mike had failed to read the invitation carefully and was wearing his provocative Life Ball outfit in the middle of a black-tie affair.

On their third date, Mike broke the news to Sebastian that he was about to become a father to a little girl, which he had made possible with the help of an egg donor and a surrogate mother. Mike’s daughter Mia was born on July 2, 2015.  Much to his surprise, Mike received a loving and deeply touching letter from Sebastian, but it wasn’t addressed to him. It was addressed to Mia.

When Mike returned with baby Mia, the couple embarked on life together—not in a cozy, romantic relationship for two, but as two young dads getting used to everyday life with a small child. It wasn’t always easy, but the bond grew stronger, and their love stood the test of time. A deep understanding for their partner’s struggles and mutual, unconditional support of one another are integral parts of Mike and Sebastian’s life together today.  With Mia by their side, Mike and Sebastian were married in Bora Bora in 2021.

The dynamic duo is invested in making the Mike&Sebastian brand just as successful on the American market as it is in German-speaking countries. “In concrete terms, this means bringing a critical mass into contact with our family concept so that it is anchored as normal in the public eye. We’re talking about 10%-14% of society. Dream BIG,” Mike says enthusiastically.

“As role models for gay men who want a family, it is important to us to bring this understanding of family to the public,” mentions Sebastian. “Goodbye Deutschland has a reach of 1,600,000 viewers in German-speaking countries. This brings our vision of normalizing 2dadfamilies a long way.”

The couple is also in the process of turning their social media and media activities into their full-time job. Being on such a successful and popular show is a great step in that direction.

Mike and Sebastian have committed to producing one season, however, there are couples who have been on the show regularly for 15 years and the production company has already indicated a long-term partnership. The show will visit Mike and Sebastian once they arrive in Palm Springs to follow their surrogacy journey also be present during the birth of their second child. They were planning on welcoming him in August, but nature had other plans. “After a long search for a new egg donor (unfortunately, Mia’s egg donor was no longer able to donate) we found our perfect match and now have 4 embryos again, although the first transfer just didn’t work. Of course, this is disappointing for us, but we are still in good spirits, knowing that the baby that is meant for us will come to us.”

Two successful gay men can move anywhere in the world, so why Palm Springs? “Palm Springs is like a dream come true for us,” mentions Mike. “Same-sex marriage has only been legal in Austria since 2019, so you can imagine how the population is attuned to homosexuals. We are not confronted with violence there, but with disregard, ignorance, and exclusion. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear a whisper behind our backs.”

The couple has learned to live with it, but suddenly it began to affect their daughter Mia because nearly none of her friends have ever heard of the fact that same-sex couples can have children. Children don’t mean it badly, of course, but Mia grows up with the suggestion from those around her that it’s not ok the way her family is. She was even called a liar because she confidently said that two men can of course have a baby, which is how it is with us. “One of the things we want to do with the move to Palm Springs is to take the pressure off of this situation.”

They also wanted their second child to grow up in a more inclusive environment and thought Palm Springs would be the perfect location.

“Because of our second baby, we considered taking part in the surrogacy process in the United States and moving to California,” Sebastian explains. “We checked out a few places but fell in love with Palm Springs immediately when we visited. We had a very special feeling there, we couldn’t classify it at first and then we were able to name it: Hey – nobody whispers behind our backs. We are “normal” here – we do not belong to a minority but to a majority. It was unbelievable for us, and we want the same for Mia and our second baby, so it happened that we made long-term plans to emigrate, and now the time has finally come.”

The couple will hit the ground running as soon as they land. They have a temporary place to live but will immediately begin looking for a home and office. In fact, Mia begins school just two days after they arrive in the city.

To follow their journey, please visit




NICK ADAMS Drag: The Musical

Nick Adams is an entertainer on many levels. Acting, singing, dancing, film, stage, and more, he’s done it all.

He’s won Audience Choice Awards from, received an Astaire Award nomination for Best Dancer, and has been honored by the American Theatre Hall of Fame.

He is instantly recognizable by his signature smile, powerhouse vocals, and yes, that body that held Mario Lopez to task.

METROSOURCE  did a great story and interview  with Nick  this  month!    Check it out  here!



Legendary attorney, LGBTQ activist, and author Urvashi Vaid, known for her extensive career an advocate for LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, anti-war efforts, immigration justice and many other social causes, died today at age 63 in her home in New York City. She was the Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force from 1989- 1992  and served prior to that as Media Director.

“We are devastated at the loss of one of the most influential progressive activists of our time,” said Kierra Johnson, current Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force. “Urvashi Vaid was a leader, a warrior and a force to be reckoned with,” continued Johnson, “She was also a beloved colleague, friend, partner and someone we all looked up to – a brilliant, outspoken and deeply committed activist who wanted full justice and equality for all people.”

“Her leadership, vision and writing helped shape not only the Task Force’s values and work but our entire queer movement and the larger progressive movement. We will strive every day to live up to her ideals and model the courage she  demonstrated every day as an activist and a person. She will be deeply I missed. I miss her already.” concluded Johnson.

At George H.W. Bush’s 1990 address on AIDS, Vaid, then the Executive Director of The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, made a statement with her sign: “Talk Is Cheap, AIDS Funding is Not”. Her critique made waves, disrupting the press conference, and shedding light on the failures of the Bush administration.

“Equality is a fine aspiration. It’s simply not enough”, she wrote in a 2014 piece on liberation. And it is a politics of liberation that shaped her career and informed her vision for the world. Vaid’s vision and passion for defending and promoting civil rights for the LGBTQ+ community led to a lifetime of changemaking.

Her time at The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, in which she held multiple positions for over ten years, notably Media Director, then Executive Director, saw her bring all aspects of queer life and struggle into the public eye. While at the Task Force, she co-founded the annual Creating Change conference, now in its 33rd year.

In 1995, after resigning from her position at the Task Force three years prior, she published her first book, Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay and Lesbian Liberation, in which she criticized the idea of “mainstreaming” what was and is, in fact, a civil rights movement. Rather than tolerance, she argued, the objective for the movement should be fundamental, actionable change. It was not an immediately popular notion, as media representation for queer people was just beginning to take shape, though it was, for her, of great moral importance. In 1996 Virtual Equality won the Stonewall Book Award.

In her position as President of the Vaid Group, Vaid advised, mentored, and supported the LGBTQ+ movement.

In 2012, Urvashi Vaid launched LPAC, the first lesbian Super PAC, and it has since invested millions of dollars in candidates who are committed to social justice through legislation.

Prior to that, Vaid held positions on the boards at the Ford Foundation, The Arcus Foundation (where she served as Executive Director from 2005 to 2010), and the Gill Foundation.

She was a leader in the development of the currently on-going National LGBTQ women’s community survey.

Vaid was the aunt of activist and performance artist Alok Vaid-Menon. She is survived by Alok Vaid-Menon as well as her longtime partner, political humorist Kate Clinton.

The National LGBTQ Task Force advances full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people. We are building a future where everyone can be free to be their entire selves in every aspect of their lives. Today, despite all the progress we’ve made to end discrimination, millions of LGBTQ people face barriers in every aspect of their lives: in housing, employment, healthcare, retirement, and basic human rights.


Love and Betrayal…Truman Capote’s Women

I was a teen child of the late 70’s, in a boring small factory town in Michigan.  Books  were my savior.  I would read  AFTER  DARK magazine every month in the Arts Department of my local library! I  was very familiar  with  who Truman Capote was. My coming out  was  about 1978  and  I made it to to Studio  around 1980. No one famous (that I could tell) was there that night but it was so exciting to be there!

I had read about his famous  Black & White balls. “There will never be another first time that somebody like Andy Warhol could step into a room with somebody like Babe Paley,” said Deborah Davis, the author of the 2006 book “Party of the Century: The Fabulous Story of Truman Capote and the Black and White Ball,” referring to one of Capote’s so-called swans — the socialite wife of William Paley, who built the CBS network.  (* source NY TIMES – read full article).

In an exciting new book  CAPOTE’S WOMEN (G.P. Putnam’s Sons Publishing)  New York Times bestselling author Laurence Leamer reveals the complex web of relationships and scandalous true stories behind Truman Capote’s never-published final novel, Answered Prayersthe dark secrets, tragic glamour, and Capote’s ultimate betrayal of the group of female friends he called his “swans.”

“There are certain women,” Truman Capote wrote, “who, though perhaps not born rich, are born to be rich.” Barbara “Babe” Paley, Gloria Guinness, Marella Agnelli, Slim Hayward, Pamela Churchill, C. Z. Guest, Lee Radziwill (Jackie Kennedy’s sister)—they were the toast of midcentury New York, each beautiful and distinguished in her own way. Capote befriended them, received their deepest confidences, and ingratiated himself into their lives. Then, in one fell swoop, he betrayed them in the most surprising and startling way possible.



Omar Sharif Jr new book A Tale of Two Omars

The grandson of the legendary actor Omar Sharif chronicles his 38 years in the recently released autobiography A Tale of Two Omars: A Memoir of Family, Revolution, and Coming Out During the Arab Spring

Heartfelt and heroic. His memoir traces being bullied as a child and teen, attempted suicide, the horrors of sex trafficking, and receiving tens of thousands of death threats after coming out in the Arab world. It’s also a story of survival—instilled in him by his mother’s family, who survived the Holocaust death camps—but with his compassion and empathy intact.

But  there are  also wonderful details of his escapades as the only grandson of his glamorous, globe-trotting grandfather—the legendary star of Lawrence of ArabiaDr. Zhivago, and Funny Girl among a host of others. With his huge liquid eyes and shock of thick dark hair, Sharif Sr. was an unparalleled ladies’ man and mans’ man!

Always ahead of the curve,  I started  following Omar Sharif Jr  around  2010.  I can’t remember exactly how our paths crossed, but I knew he had this  X factor….I  felt he was someone to watch.  We had exchanged  some messages  on Twitter  or  Facebook,  I think….. The LGBTQ community at large came to know Sharif Jr.  for coming out in a personal essay for LGBTQ outlet “The Advocate” in 2012, about a year after the Arab Spring began. Writing the letter “took time, thought and reflection,” he writes. “Nearly three months went by before I published it, and still I really struggled.”

 I write this article in fear. Fear for my country, fear for my family, and fear for myself. My parents will be shocked to read it, surely preferring I stay in the shadows and keep silent, at least for the time being.

But I can’t.

The letter was met with ridicule internationally – especially in Egypt and from his own father, who told him he basically gave up everything by coming out and disclosing he was Jewish. Despite the vitriol, he received an outpouring of support from LGBTQ people who finally felt seen.

          Reviews for the book  have been great! 

“A powerful and essential memoir of self-discovery . . . Brimming with beautiful remembrances of his grandfather and terrifying stories of abuse and homophobia, this is an essential book that shines a much-needed light on the intersection of Arab and queer identity.” —Abdi Nazemian, Lambda Literary Award–winning author of Like a Love Story, a Stonewall Honor Book

“This book is the fascinating and inspiring odyssey of one man’s quest to be his authentic self––a difficult enough task for anyone, but try adding gay, Muslim and Jewish into the mix!” ––Alan Cumming

“A gripping personal saga and an urgent plea for the place he still very much calls home to embrace equal rights for everyone.” —Michelle Hart, Oprah Daily

“[Sharif Jr.] writes in a manner that is like a good friend telling you a story—his narration sucks you in and makes you not want to put it down . . . A compelling story.” —Emily Burack, Alma

“Not your normal coming-of-age tale, A Tale of Two Omars by Omar Sharif, Jr. is the story of the author’s youth during the Arab Spring in 2010 . . . It’s a thrilling book, salted with memoir and you’ll love it.” —Terri Schlichenmeyer, Los Angeles Blade


If you want a sneak peak, there is a wonderful excerpt from the book  at It shows a familiar story, for  many us, growing up with a secret  and  hiding, as well as  the heavy burden that comes with it.

“It’s amazing how one lie turns into two lies, and then into three, becoming a habit or even a lifestyle….I looked out into the darkness, wondering how many others were hiding secrets so that they could feel accepted by those around them.”

Sharif has recently finished shooting the third season of Amazon’s Israeli series The Baker and the Beauty, where he plays a gay Lebanese man married to an Israeli. And sadly, the backlash in the Middle East against him for working in Tel Aviv and accepting the role was ferocious.

Sharif emphasizes that he believes the answer to this entrenched hatred and intolerance is to increase one’s own tolerance of the haters and to adopt a posture of forgiveness. “I can finally do what my grandparents did and use art to change people’s hearts and minds,” he says.

“I thought my job was to straddle the walls between my Arab, Jewish, and gay worlds but now I know it is my job to dismantle them. And nothing tears through walls better than art.”


In an exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Omar Sharif Jr. about his new memoir “A Tale of Two Omars: A Memoir of Family, Revolution and Coming Out During the Arab Spring” published by Counterpoint Press.






Librarians in Wyoming in hot Water


Librarians in Wyoming face criminal ‘obscenity’ charges for stocking LGBT+ books in teen sections. This is beyond ridiculous!

Prosecutors are reportedly considering whether to bring charges against Campbell County Public Library staff over their decision to stock young adult books about sex education and LGBT+ issues.

The library, which is based in the city of Gillette, has faced protests and backlash in recent weeks over a number of books focusing on LGBT+ issues, according to the Associated Press.

Those books include This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson, How Do You Make a Baby by Anna Fiske, Doing It by Hannah Witton, Sex is a Funny Word by Corey Silverberg and Dating and Sex: A Guide for the 21st Century Teen Boy by Andrew P Smiler.

Local pastor Susan Sisti branded the books “absolutely appalling” and said they “should not even be in a public library”.



LGBTQ travelers are Ready to Travel

According to USA  Today,  LGBTQ travelers leading the way to tourism recovery.

“Gays lead, and the rest follow,” Roger Dow tells the National LGBT Media Association. Dow is president and CEO of U.S. Travel Association, the Washington, D.C.-based organization representing all segments of travel in America.  “They’re adventurous and like new experiences. They have a penchant for travel far greater than their heterosexual counterparts. They travel more and spend more when they travel. They’re the darlings of the travel industry when it comes to spending and dollars.

Many gay resorts and hotels are already booked  up  for the upcoming winter  season.

LGBTQ tour companies and travel agents have a direct connection to queer travelers and report strong interest in and bookings of travel.

“After (releasing) our entire tour schedule through the end of 2022, we saw our largest month of sales in our 12-year history,” says Robert Sharp, co-founder and CEO of Out Adventures.

Kelli Carpenter, co-founder of R Family Vacations, adds: “Our highest sales have come from our river cruise products and international tour business, showing that travelers are ready to explore the world again.”


Read the  whole article


NICK ADAMS Live concert in Erie, PENN, May 20th

@TheNickAdams‘s May 20th concert at
@MercyhurstU  *will* sell out this week!!!!
Mercy Hurst U is located in Erie, Penn.
Take a plane, a train or an automobile!

To purchase tickets email MIAC artistic director Dr. Brett D. Johnson at Include a phone number, and someone will call you within 24 hours, Monday-Friday.


Nick Adams (born June 10, 1983) is an American actor, singer, and dancer, known for starring as Adam/Felicia in the original Broadway production of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and starring as Whizzer Brown in the first national tour of the Lincoln Center Theater revival of Falsettos.



Christmas with the Queens – Lady Bunny and Jackie Beat Holiday Shows

Two of our favorite queens have holiday streaming specials this month!

“What Child Is This?” with Lady Bunny  features:


Expect new holiday parodies, a dreadful puppet, and a “glamorous” intro video shot all over Manhattan. Laugh and hiss at my scandalous new version of ’Twas The Night Before Christmas—this year, it’s at the White House! And a few other tricks Lady Bunion has up her ba-rum-pa-pa-pum!

“What Child Is This” is adult content for those who love to laugh at twisted shit! Don’t watch with kids, but it is a guaranteed way to horrify prudish or religious relatives. In the show, I also offer an unorthodox solution to those awkward, family political convos around the holidays.

Co-written by Beryl Mendelbaum
Shot & Edited By Mikhail Torich
Special appearance by Chauncey Dandridge as Bitter Gay Sound Man

Not a live event, so you can view it on demand through Jan 4th.


22nd Annual Holiday Show by Drag Icon Jackie Beat

(On Demand this year)
Now thru December 26

This year, there are no Rockettes at Radio City, Scrooge can’t hoist
Tiny Tim onto his shoulder for fear of COVID and The Nutcracker has
been hobbled, but drag icon JACKIE BEAT wants you to know that
CHRISTMAS IS NOT CANCELED! The big and bawdy, bold and ballsy queen’s
holiday shows are legendary, and this year (her 22nd annual holiday
show) she’s gone virtual, streaming her festive freak-out right into
your living room.

Whatever you celebrate, watch for Jackie’s holiday
classics and new song parodies aimed at everything you cherish. Plus,
this year some of Jackie’s closest “friends” have popped by to join in
the holiday spirit! Who’s that knocking on the door? It’s Alan
Cumming, Alaska, Alec Mapa, Alison Arngrim, Amanda LePore, Babette
Bombshell, BenDeLaCreme, Bianca del Rio, Boomer Banks, Calpernia
Addams, Christeene, Coco Peru, Conchita Wurst, Daniel Franzese,
Elvira, Heklina, Jackie Hoffman, Jinkx Monsoon, Jun Nakayama, Kate
Flannery, Leslie Jones, Margaret Cho, Michael Urie, Murray Hill, Nina
West, Parker Posey, Peaches Christ, Peppermint, Ross Mathews, Selene
Luna, Sherry Vine, Tammie Brown, The Vivienne, Varla Jean Merman and

JACKIE BEAT: CHRISTMAS IS NOT CANCELED! is now available to watch On
Demand through December 26. Tickets are $20 per device, available at


Bianca del Rio and Lady Bunny on Hateful Hags Network

Hateful, sassy and sometimes lewd and crude!   Lady Bunny and Bianca Del Rio team up for a  Vimeo event called  HATEFUL HATES NETWORK.

(From INSTINCT Magazine)- For drag performers, performing during these challenging times has proven to cause performers to be beyond inventive. From shows direct from their living rooms to Brandon Voss’ Drive ‘N Drag nationwide series, queens have managed to keep their art alive and thriving during this time. Sherry Vine & Jackie Beat for example, have continued their famed Battle of the Bitches shows live online, (the most recent was the Halloween themed Battle of the Witches) and another famed duo is about to hit our small screens with their own patented brand of twisted comedy.

Legendary Wigstock creator/DJ/drag legend Lady Bunny and RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6 winner turned stand up drag sensation Bianca Del Rio are co-anchoring HHN: Hateful Hags Network, a roast/cable news channel hybrid, where they will be delivering everything from filthy jokes to a a musical number, in only the way this duo can. They promise equal opportunity hate for RuPaul’s Drag Race queens from all seasons, tossing in some costume changes and…a surprise guest?

Lady Bunny exclusively tells EW “Enough with COVID and politics. It’s time for something really important… back-stabbing drag queens!”  while Bianca Del Rio adds: “Due to COVID, some ‘Drag Race’ queens have opened OnlyFans accounts. Bunny and I would never do that. Not because of any moral objections — because we’re ugly!”

Tune in to ‘HHH: Hateful Hags Network’ on Thursday, November 12th at 8PM EST. Tickets are $9.99 at Vimeo.


New Fun Holiday clothes and PJs from Shinesty

Whether you are looking for a fun suit to wear to a holiday party  or  some fun and comfortable pajama’s, the Shinesty company has you covered! (They call them Ugly Suits – but actually, some of patterns are pretty cool!)

“We created Shinesty for one reason and one reason only:

To bring you the most outlandish collection of clothing the world has ever seen.

When worn correctly, the right clothing can make Mike Tyson’s albino tiger purr like a kitten, blow the minds of boringly-dressed onlookers, or be a major contributing factor in the creation of a small human that looks strikingly similar to you.

Whether you are searching for a rare retro piece, enough neon to blind the 80s, or simply something that would make Chuck Norris weep with pride, Shinesty is here to help!”


New this year are Pajamaralls.   Pajamas that are coveralls!

“We’ve created the first ever pajama overalls, more commonly known as the pajamaralls. You can’t find these pajama overalls anywhere else, because, well, we invented them. Don’t waste your sweet time looking for a more comfortable pair of colorful pattern pjs, because our pajamaralls are comfy, they’re cozy, and they’re perfect to sleep in.”

Built in beer opener. Check.
Shoulder fasteners. Check.
Fly for dudes. Check.
5 pockets. Check.

They thought of everything!



I first discovered Shinesty by way of their underwear.

Honestly, they are SO SOFT, it’s like you are wearing NOTHING.

Soft as an old worn t-shirt – but with great construction.  95% micromodal and 5% spandex. (Silky soft, stretchy and quick drying).  Plus The Hammock. It provides a place for the “twins”. The hammock is lightweight, and breathable. The underwear have a gusseted, 4 way stretch crotch area which makes it not bunch up for the most comfortable underwear.

Besides keeping your love spuds cool by cradling them in a moisture-wicking, micro-modal ball hammock, these men’s pouch underwear enhance the look of your package by keeping your meat and taters all on the same plate.

Common reactions from lucky spectators include comments like “Wow, what size shoe did you say you wear?” and stunned silence.

CHECK OUT THEIR EXTENSIVE WEBSITE – they also sell faux fur coats,  onesies, sunglasses  and many other themes as well.

“Shinesty is a brand that makes people laugh,” says  founder Chris White. “Either you think we’re ridiculous or you think we’re fools.”

PS – they also offer underwear subscriptions. This is underwear you are GUARANTEED TO LOVE.  Love Your Ball Hammocks or They’re Free.

If this isn’t the softest, most supportive men’s underwear
subscription to grace your grundle, they’re on us.


WAP? Lady Bunny and Flotilla Debarge DAP NSFW

WARNING   NSFW!!! #Raunchy!

By now you have no doubt seen  Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s   WAP!

If you thought Cardi B’s  smash WAP was raunchy, wait until you hear the brand new parody version, DAP. Drag legends Lady Bunny and Flotilla DeBarge make their rap debut, and the result is so smoking hot and dry that even though they live in NYC, this video may have caused the California wildfires.

While their vajayjays may be dry, their humor is not, and fans have been howling over the unrelentlessly filthy lyrics. The video’s gotten thumbs up from Margaret Cho and Bridget Everett, with shares from Drag Race royalty, Detox, Manila Luzon and Jujubee.

Released Friday, already 90,000 views on Instagram and 40,000 on Facebook. So grab some lotion or lube and enjoy this end of summer celebration of wrongness and dry ass pussy!

Please have a therapist on hand after viewing.


LADY BUNNY – With her glitzy outfits, sky-high wigs and false eyelashes long enough to embarrass Tammy Faye Baker, multi-talented drag artist Lady Bunny would turn heads even if looking glamorous was her only talent. But “she” isn’t just another man in a dress: Bunny is a successful comedienne, DJ, actress, singer/songwriter and most famously, the emcee and creator of Wigstock, the outrageous drag festival of drag and music which electrified New Yorkers every Labor Day for over 20 years.

FLOTILLA DEBARGE – is a drag queen based in New York City.

She has appeared in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar and the miniseries version of Angels in America. She has appeared on Broadway in The Threepenny Opera and performed a one-“woman” show, The Flotilla DeBarge Minstrel Show at Fez Under Time Cafe.


The Boys in the Band on NETFLIX

RYAN MURPHY is bringing


Film Release Date: September 30, 2020
Director: Joe Mantello
Writers: Mart Crowley and Ned Martel
Based on: The Play The Boys In The Band by Mart Crowley
Producers: Ryan Murphy p.g.a., David Stone, Joe Mantello p.g.a., Ned Martel, Alexis Martin Woodall
ALL STAR Cast: Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto, Matt Bomer, Andrew Rannells, Charlie Carver, Robin de Jesús, Brian Hutchison, Michael Benjamin Washington, Tuc Watkins
The Boys in the Band is a classic gay play by Mart Crowley. The play premiered Off-Broadway in 1968, and was revived with an all star male cast on Broadway for its 50th anniversary in 2018.
The story is about a  group of gay men gather for a birthday party in 1968 New York City, only to find the drinks and laughs interrupted when a visitor from the host’s past turns the evening upside down.
More than fifty years after Mart Crowley’s play became an unexpected smash hit for putting gay men’s lives center stage with honesty and humor, THE BOYS IN THE BAND returns to the screen in a new adaptation that reunites acclaimed director Joe Mantello with the all-star cast of the Tony-winning, 2018 Broadway production.
See a clip from the original movie version.
In 1968 New York City – when being gay was still considered to be best kept behind closed doors – a group of friends gather for a raucous birthday party hosted by Michael (Jim Parsons), a screenwriter who spends and drinks too much, in honor of the sharp-dressed and sharp-tongued Harold (Zachary Quinto). Other partygoers include Donald (Matt Bomer), Michael’s former flame, now mired in self-analysis; Larry (Andrew Rannells), a randy commercial artist living with Hank (Tuc Watkins), a school teacher who has just left his wife; Bernard (Michael Benjamin Washington), a librarian tiptoeing around fraught codes of friendship alongside Emory (Robin de Jesús), a decorator who never holds back; and a guileless hustler (Charlie Carver), hired to be Harold’s gift for the night. What begins as an evening of drinks and laughs gets upended when Alan (Brian Hutchison), Michael’s straight-laced college roommate, shows up unexpectedly and each man is challenged to confront long-buried truths that threaten the foundation of the group’s tight bond.



Queer TV Network Revry Now Available on Samsung TV Plus

Queer TV Network Brings Diverse LGBTQ+ TV to Millions of Samsung Smart TVs in time for Pride Season

Revry, the first global LGBTQ+ streaming network, announced today the launch of its service on Samsung TV Plus, Samsung’s free smart TV video service that delivers instant access to over 120 free channels in news, sports, entertainment and more.

The Revry Channel, featuring hundreds of hours of original and licensed LGBTQ+ movies, shows, music, podcasts, and news, is available on Samsung TV Plus Channel 1226. As Samsung’s only Queer-focused TV channel, The Revry Channel will premiere across millions of Samsung Smart TVs just in time for Pride season, and will be the first and only home for exclusively LGBTQ+ entertainment on Samsung’s Smart TVs.

“We are excited to launch our newest live linear channel on Samsung TV Plus. Given Samsung’s massive reach, we now have the opportunity to touch a broader LGBTQ+ and allied audience through Samsung Smart TVs,” said Damian Pelliccione, CEO and Co-Founder at Revry. “We believe representation saves lives, so partnering with Samsung helps us bring our ‘radically inclusive’ entertainment to an even bigger audience, and gives us the chance to change hearts and minds, both inside and outside of the LGBTQ community.”

These diverse perspectives have become the hallmarks of Revry’s “unapologetically queer” programming, which includes its slate of originals such as the GLAAD Media Award recipient and Spanish-language docu-series, THE CATEGORY IS, which follows the vibrant underground ballroom scene in Mexico City; the Wes Anderson-style comedy series, SINK SANK SUNK, starring Academy Award nominee Laura Linney; the second season of the reality TV series, PUTTING ON, starring rising Israeli fashion designer, On Mekahel; and THE QUEENS, an insightful documentary film following RuPaul’s Drag Race favorites: Alaska, Katye, Jinkx Monsoon, and Sharon Needles. In addition to these originals, Revry will be releasing over 100 new titles this Pride season.

“Revry continues to have a huge impact on the LGBTQ+ community and we’re really proud to be working with them to optimize the delivery of Revry’s newest channel to the Samsung TV Plus platform, just in time for Pride 2020,” said Blair Harrison, Frequency’s Founder and CEO.

Established in December of 2016 in the U.S., Samsung TV Plus is pre-installed on all 2016-2020 Samsung Smart TVs. Millions of consumers already use Samsung TV Plus, making it one of the top OTT services on Samsung’s Smart TV platform. Users can instantly access their favorite shows, movies, and more with just an internet connection—no download, additional device, or credit card needed. For more information or to view a list of Samsung’s 120+ free, live TV channels, please visit

To learn more about and experience Revry, please visit


Lady Bunny Cuntagious on Demand Special June 5th

Voss Digital Presents the iconic Lady Bunny!

In her all new on demand show “Cunt-Tagious”! Catch this demented diva as she shamelessly interrupts your isolation in an attempt to give what may be your last laugh before the apocalypse!

Masks and mascara make a great combination, along with four giant wigs and twelve costume changes packed into 35 minutes. This floozy offers unhinged Tips to Survive A Pandemic and a visit to a fake newsroom for headlines we’d all like to see.

Bunny’s raucous Laugh-In inspired joke routine will go from deranged to filthy, with Bunny showing off her signature dance moves (well, the ones the old gal didn’t forget decades ago).  With an emphasis on COVID-19 humor, expect brand new song parodies from artists as varied as Lizzo, Justin Bieber, and Madonna.

Get ready to laugh your masks off! And for all those dying for a glimpse of Bunny out of drag, this is your moment.

Available Friday June 5th at 12PM EDT.

Save by pre-ordering HERE for just $7.99!


GRABBY Awards Free Live Stream May 30th

The annual GRABBYS Award Show, highlighting top talent and performances in the gay erotic film industry, will take place on Saturday, May 30 at 7:30 p.m. CDT.

This annual event is usually held in Chicago each Spring, to sold-out audiences. Due to current state and local restrictions related to COVID-19, the event will be live-streamed. The event is expected to reach thousands of more fans this year around the world!

“Despite the unfortunate situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the show must go on — safely,” said show producer Stacy Bridges. “We’re excited the GRABBYS is the first gay erotic award show to be live-streamed, providing more fans the opportunity to join the celebration for FREE! And unlike our live-stage productions, the show this year will feature adult- material, such as X-rated film clips for ‘Best Movie’ nominees!”

Chi Chi LaRue and Honey West

will return for the 21st year as virtual hostesses; Chi Chi LaRue from Minneapolis and Honey West in Chicago.

The show is expected to be approximately 90 minutes.

GayVN Stars is the presenting sponsor. “We are thrilled to be working with our friends at the GRABBYS to stream their highly anticipated ceremony live on our GayVN Stars platform,” said AVN Media Network CEO Tony Rios. “We’re looking forward to seeing all the fans of adult entertainment worldwide come together online for this special interactive broadcast event.”

The nominees this year include;

850Bdt, Aumphreak4, BillySantoroXXX, CadeMaddoxxx,
CodyGunzXXX, CutlerX, DillonAndersonX, DirkCaber, DreGilcrest, Hattrickz91, HossKado, HungerFF, King111_, LeoGiamani3, LevyFoxxXXX, Maxadonisxxx, MichaelLucasNYC, MinoFlexXX, PoppersGod, RCandDigger, RafaelMovies, RayDexterXXX, RealMenFullBush, RhyheimShabazz, RoccoSteeleNYC, RopeTrainKeep, SeanHardingXXX, SeanZevran, TheGrayMerchant, TripleXTransMan, TylerHillXXX, TylerSaintReal, Zackybro101, adamrussoxxx, atxpapi, cagedjock, deepfillernyc,
devinfrancoxxx, eagerbttmxxx, edjidasilvaxx, grgisthewerd, griffinbarrowsx, iammisterbolden, itskravemelanin, jackmackenroth, loganstevensxxx, maxkonnorxxx, nickcapra, phatrabbitkill2, and rastadikk.

Additional sponsors include GRAB Magazine, Swiss Navy Lube, and Steamworks Baths Chicago. (New issues of GRAB MAGAZINE are available  online for free, every other week!)

For more information and updates, visit



Actors Fund Benefit STARS IN THE HOUSE

Have you heard of this  show on YouTube?

Music, community, and education to support The Actors Fund and its services.
Live-streamed daily at 2 PM ET and 8 PM ET/ Listen on SiriusXM VOLUME at 9AM ET, M-F

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and theatres across the world closing their curtains indefinitely, SiriusXM host Seth Rudetsky and his husband, producer James Wesley have created Stars in the House, a daily live streamed series to support The Actors Fund and its services. 


With new shows airing daily at 2 PM ET and 8 PM ET, Stars in the House is a combination of music, community, and education (from CBS Chief Medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook) located on the Actors Fund YouTube Channel. With musical performances by stars remotely from their home and conversations with Seth and James between each tune, viewers can also donate to the charity and interact with the guests in real time. 


Stars in the House raised over $50,000 in the first four days of airing. Guests include Andrew Lloyd Webber, John Lithgow, Jason Alexander, Kristen Chenoweth as well as couples confined together like Audra McDonald and Will Swenson, Frozen composers Bobby Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, writers Tina Fey and Jeff Richmond, and many more. Stars in the House plans to stream daily until Broadway re-opens.

LOTS  of  upcoming shows PLUS  3 months of Archives!



The Actors Fund is a national human services organization that fosters stability and resiliency, and provides a safety net for performing arts and entertainment professionals over their lifespan. Through offices in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, The Fund serves everyone in film, theater, television, music, opera, radio and dance with programs including social services and emergency financial assistance, health care and insurance counseling, housing, and secondary employment and training services.


Stonewall Gives Back Concert

April 23rd, 2020,  Troye Sivan, Cyndi Lauper, Kim Petras, Rufus Wainwright and many more got together to raise funds for those in the LGBTQ nightlife industry in need during the COVID-19 crisis.

Hosted by 

Michelle Visage and Tyler Oakley

Performances and Appearances by

Alan Cumming, Allie X, Betty Who, Carlie Hanson, Cyndi Lauper, Darren Hayes, Dave Mizzoni, Greyson Chance, Issac Dunbar, John Cameron Mitchell, Kim Petras, Kristin Chenoweth, Leland, Lorna Luft, Matt Rogers, MUNA, Nina West, Our Lady J, Pabllo Vittar, Peppermint, Rufus Wainwright, Shoshana Bean, Todrick Hall, Troye Sivan, TUCKER, VINCINT.

The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI). We are a non-profit charitable organization inspired by the struggles and ideals of the LGBTQ rights movement born from the Stonewall Inn Uprising of 1969. We are committed to eliminating the social intolerance that is profoundly impacting the lives of LGBTQ citizens throughout America and abroad. Through awareness campaigns, educational programming, fundraising and candid public dialogue,we support grassroots organizations scattered across the country and especially those in communities where progress toward equality has been slow and the negative impact of ongoing acts of discrimination and harassment can no longer be tolerated.



Fairytale LGBT Foreign film from Italy with Filippo Timi

There is a crazy and colorful  new Italian LGBTQ comedy-drama called  FAIRYTALE.


FAIRYTALE (Favola) follows Mrs. Fairytale, a perfect housewife in 1950s America who becomes aware of her own unhappiness and embarks on a process of personal liberation. The costumes and the set are totally  eye popping and stunning!  The attention to detail is The cinematography is truly a feast for the eyes.

Crazy and Colorful!

In a surreal world of  stuffed poodles (who seem to move about on their own), whiskey-infused teas, sinful mambo lessons (by one one of the sexy triplets!), and threats of alien invasion, Mr(s). Fairytale will begin to explore a world where anyone can finally be who they want to be, but behind which hides another upsetting reality.

The directing debut of Sebastiano Mauri, based on the stage play by Italian actor Filippo TImi who also stars in the titular role, FAIRYTALE is a tribute to 50s era America, winner of the Golden Ciak Award for Best Production Design, More Love Award at Festival Mix 2018, and Flaiano Prize for Best first work to Sebastiano Mauri.

For me, an American,  I found it a little hard to follow at times.  You are not always sure what is real – and what is not. It’s very surreal – but well worth watching!



Filippo Timi is an accomplished Italian actor, director and writer.

Timi is the author, actor and director of “Fairy Tail”, a comedy that was produced by “Teatro Franco Parenti” on stage of Giordano Theatre (Foggia, Italy) 2014/2015 season. It was made into a film in 2017 and now arrives in the United States.

What’s it All About??

To dig a little deeper into the storyline; The story tells about two girl mates, both married, and one of them is pregnant, who apparently live a normal and quiet life.(even if actually their husbands are not what they seem: one is violent and one other is probably homosexual.)

Something unreal is happening, which will change forever everyone’s life: a sort of genetic mutation, which will change relationships’ balance and behaviors’ interactions among characters.

Actually, this is an unrealistic tail about Mrs. Fairytale, the comedy’s main character played by Filippo Timi. He is an explosive actor and one of the most appreciated actors of the Italian motion picture industry and theatre -,whose name is composed by the word “tale” as a destiny, and about her friend, Mrs. Emerald (Lucia Mascino), two perfect (apparently) loved wives, whose secrets, one more upsetting than the other, are discovered during the comedy until the conclusion and the final overturning.

Everything happens under the eyes of  the very sexy Luca Pignagnoli, who plays the triplets;  Ted, Tim and Glenn Stewart.

There are a lot of movies quotes in the comedy: starting from Doris Day’s memory, the so called America fiancé, than the Fairtale’s whit, until Fairy’s violent husband whose name is Stan, abbreviation of Stanley, the cruel even fascinating Pole played by  Marlon Brando in the movie “A Streetcar Named Desire”.


Go to Breaking Glass Pictures and Demand it Now!

