Category Archives: Finance and Money

Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich



LGBT Ally James Lange, an author and CPA/Attorney, Celebrates New Legal Rulings by Offering a Free E-Book for Same-Sex Couples Across the Nation.

Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich is endorsed by the top IRA, Social Security, and legal experts in the country and available as a FREE download for a limited time at

Last week was a historic week of victories for same-sex couples across the nation as 8 more states, West Virginia, Alaska, Utah, Virginia, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Indiana won the right to marry. The courts struck down the bans to marry in these states, expanding the rights for same-sex couples to marry in over half of the country. Within hours, county clerks in those states were issuing marriage licenses to couples who had been waiting for a decision to come down. Additionally, 4 more states in the 10th circuit and 4th circuit are on the verge of marriage equality as well.  Colorado, Kansas, South Carolina, and Wyoming have cases pending verdicts and are expected to overturn their marriage bans in the near future. To celebrate these rulings attorney and CPA, James Lange is offering Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich for free for a limited time on his web site,

Pittsburgh LGBT Ally James Lange of Lange Financial Group, LLC has been working to help same-sex couples understand and take advantage of the tax and Social Security laws since 2002, but his campaign was re-energized when the Windsor case was decided in 2013. The laws and regulations for estate planning, tax planning, and Social Security planning have changed so significantly for same-sex couples over the last year that Jim has dedicated a large portion of his firm’s time and funds toward writing a book on gay retirement planning.  Retire Secure! for Same Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich can be downloaded for FREE by going to before October 31st.

Along with the ability to get married, Lange suggests that there are many other points couples in states with marriage rights or on the verge of those rights should consider. “Married same-sex couples who live in states that recognize same-marriages will now be able to enjoy significant Social Security marital benefits and estate planning benefits, particularly if one member of the couples has a significant IRA or retirement plan,” says Lange, author of the book, Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich. Mr. Lange offers four tips for same-sex couples:

  1. Go Into Marriage with Your Financial Eyes Wide Open. The couples who will benefit the most financially will likely be same-sex couples in their 60s or older where at least one person of the couple has a significant IRA or retirement plan.  Some other couples will actually do worse financially.  Finances are an important, though not exclusive, reason to get married or stay unmarried.  If you are already married, speak to a tax advisor to take advantage of all the marital benefits.
  2. Consider How Marriage Affects Social Security Benefits. For many couples, one result of marriage is the opportunity to collect a much higher Social Security benefit. If you qualify and it is appropriate in your situation, apply for Social Security spousal benefits. There is a fantastic technique called “apply and suspend,” which is newly available to many same-sex couples in states that have recently changed their laws and to many residents of states that already afforded marriage rights.  Most Social Security recipients, however, do not understand all of the possible spousal benefits of Social Security. There are significant advantages while both spouses are alive and after the first spouse dies.  Find out the enormous financial benefits for free by going to before October 31st.
  3. Marriage and IRA and Retirement Planning.  Regardless of your state of residence, as long as you were married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriages, you and your spouse will enjoy significant tax benefits on inheriting an IRA or a retirement plan.
  4. Seek Professional Advice. As with all important financial decisions, Lange suggests that couples speak with a qualified retirement and estate advisor, preferably a CPA, as well as an attorney who works with same-sex couples. “Couples need to be sure they have all the knowledge they can to prepare for their financial lives as a married couple,” says Lange. For more information about how to get a FREE copy of Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich or for information on how to schedule a meeting or media interview with James Lange visit or call 412-521-2732.

Stoli Group (USA) to invest $300,000 to support LGBT Programs



Stoli Group (USA) and the  L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center today announced a three-year partnership to fight inequality by investing in the development of LGBT leaders domestically and around the globe.

Under the partnership, Stoli will donate $300,000 to support the Center’s Leadership LAB (Learn, Act, Build): a program that helps current and future LGBT leaders and allies throughout the country and around the world to develop critical leadership skills. The aim of Leadership LAB is to prepare the next generation of LGBT leaders to effectively advocate for equal rights, build strong organizations, and fight anti-LGBT ballot measures.

“Over the last few years we’ve experienced tremendous gains in freedom and equality for LGBT Americans, but there is still much work to be done, especially in states where organizing for LGBT equality remains very challenging,” said Lorri L. Jean, Chief Executive Officer of the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center.  “And while we’re also making gains internationally, there have been big and significant setbacks.  Extremists, acknowledging they’re losing the battle here, are expanding their influence in other countries by demonizing LGBT people and attacking our freedoms. Their influence must be countered. This extraordinary commitment by Stoli Group USA sets a terrific example for all corporations.”



Stoli Group USA has announced a $150,000 donation to support the Russian Freedom Fund.

The Russian Freedom Fund is a vehicle for making financial contributions in support of Russia’s LGBT rights movement and efforts to combat anti-gay discrimination in the former Soviet Republic.



Not All Gay Couples want to be Married

According to an article in New York Times this week,  gay marriage is not for all gay couples.

Now that same-sex couples in 14 states have all the rights and
responsibilities of straight married couples, gay couples are rushing to
the altar, right? Not exactly. Plenty of gay couples do not want to
marry, and their reasons are as complex — and personal — as any decision
to wed.

For some, marriage is an outdated institution, one that forces same-sex
couples into the mainstream. For others, marriage imposes financial
burdens and legal entanglements. Still others see marriage not as a
fairy tale but as a potentially painful chapter that ends in divorce.
And then there are those for whom marriage goes against their beliefs,
religious or otherwise.



LGBT Money – Investing with the Right People

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CNNMoney – Many same-sex couples eligible for big tax refunds


Married same-sex couples who paid extra tax because
the federal government didn’t recognize their marriage are now eligible
to get some of that money back.

The Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, defined marriage as between a
man and a woman, which meant married same-sex couples had to file their
taxes individually. But the Supreme
Court’s summer ruling
overturned that law. Now these couples are
not only able to file as married going forward, but they have the option
of amending their tax returns for the past three years if it would
benefit them. 

 For some couples, doing this will reduce their overall tax liability
and result in big refunds, which is typically the case when there is a
large disparity in incomes (for example, when one spouse doesn’t
work).They can also claim any tax paid on health
insurance benefits extended from one spouse to another through an
employer-sponsored plan.

Refunds will vary widely by couple, and could be as high as tens of thousands of dollars.
Janet and Janet Emery-Black, from Nampa, Idaho, are anticipating retroactive refunds totaling $30,000. Another couple,

Adele and Jennifer Hoppe-House
, from Los Angeles, expect to get back $13,000.

