NOH8 ….What Else Can I Say?!
Y E A H !
After many long months, the landmark Prop 8 Trial has finally come to an end.
The NOH8 Campaign has learned that Chief Judge Vaughn R Walker
has formally released his ruling in Perry vs. Schwarzenegger,
which challenged the constitutionality of Proposition 8.
Judge Walker has ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional and in
violation of the protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
Today’s victory is just a small example of our potential. The community was returned the rights that were unfairly stripped away from them by Prop 8, and that is truly something to appreciate. Though we have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for, it’s important to remember that our work is far from over. The NOH8 Campaign will continue to spread its message of equality and anti-discrimination wherever it can, bringing NOH8 to as many states as we can in order to make a change – and we need your help. We’re bringing NOH8 to Hawaii for example, planning to help register voters in an environment where civil unions were recently vetoed by the governor so that our supporters can make their voices heard in their local elections this fall.