Creative Way to Protest Anti-Gay Westboro Baptist Church


In March 2010, the hate group called the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) came to Richmond, Virginia to protest local LGBT and Jewish organizations.
Instead of fighting the WBC’s hate with more anger, four local moms came together and used the visit as an opportunity to spread kindness through the community. In less than a week, they founded Pennies in Protest, raised over $14,000, and gave it directly to the targeted organizations.


They have now set up a “how-to” website that teaches anyone, anywhere how to do what they  did: Pennies In Protest . “One of us also finished a really beautiful video about our effort in Richmond that is intended to promote the website: YOU TUBE .”

The WBC’s website, which is GodHatesFags   has a full schedule of where the WBC plans to visit next and which organizations they plan to protest. “We would love any help you can give us in spreading the word about Pennies in Protest. Anyone is free to use the name, anyone is free to use the materials on our website, including sample letters, press releases, tweets, etc. We even have a photograph of the Thank You note we sent to the WBC on behalf of the GLBT and Jewish organizations who got all the money. The Thank You note was a very fun and satisfying part of the process!”

“A few people donated their time and talent for free to help us make this website, and we would just appreciate any help you could give us in spreading the word. We thought it was a pretty cool idea and hoped you might think so too.”

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