Gay Magicians Siegfried and Roy Sued For Sexual Harassment by Employee

Does this tiger make me look gay?

Um, No, those clothes do!  

Earlier this month there were whispers and rumors of a sexual harassment lawsuit. Well, that cat is out of the bag now.

In a 18 page complaint filed in Nevada’s Clark County Court on Sept. 17 and obtained by , Oliver Preiss lays out a number of shocking claims, including allegations that Horn and his stage partner, Siegfried Fischbacher, made repeated “requests for sex,” that Horn “made sexual advances towards  ALL male assistants,” that Horn “forced his assistants to join him in watching pornographic videos at night” and that Horn “groped” Priess, “inside and outside of Priess’ clothing.”

Horn, best known as 50 percent of the tiger-wrangling stage sensation Siegfried and Roy, is  the one officially being sued by one of his former assistants, Oliver Preiss. Priess claims he was fired in April, shortly after the illusionists announced they were leaving show business, following years of rebuffing what he says were Horn’s numerous sexual advances.


The legal documents also state that surveillance videos of Seigfried and Roy’s workplace show “rampant sexual harassment, sexual assaults” and “lewd and lascivious conduct,” among other specific sex acts.

EVEN AFTER THE FATAL TIGER ATTACK,  Horn allegedly still harassed the employee.

According to Priess’ complaint, Horn’s 2003 injury didn’t impair his ability to allegedly assault his assistants.

“Despite the injuries suffered during the tiger attack, [Horn] still has full strength in his right arm.”

