Angry Flight Attendant Steven Slater Pleads Insanity

Jet Blue’s renegade
flight attendant Steven Slater
got off without jail time by pleading insanity,
according to NY Post.

Slater was facing a vicious prosecutor from the DA who claimed the flight attendant jeopardized lives and caused vast costs for the airport when he confronted a passenger, grabbed a beer and slid down the emergency chute of a parked plane.

Slater plead guilty to two counts of criminal mischief and agreed to attend a year of jail time and substance-abuse treatment, citing unspecified mental health problems. He will also pay JetBlue $10,000 to replace the chute.

For angry service workers everywhere, for whom Slater was a hero, this proves that customers can drive you crazy!

Slater’s attorney said the 38-year-old has flying “in his blood,” but JetBlue is trying to determine what set that blood to boiling that day.

“There’s much more to this story that we don’t know,” wrote JetBlue COO Rob Maruster in an internal memo obtained by the Wall Street Journal.

I am sure the real story will come out some day!

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