FCKH8 Straight Talk About Gay Marriage – In Your Face!
Everyone is very familiar with Adam Bouska and his NOH8 campaign …now comes FCKH8!
The FCKH8.com video and website were created by non-profit media campaigner Luke Montgomery, who hopes to one day get married (That’s him above sportin’ the beard.) Back when he was a teen, Luke was the headline-making gay activist who had legally changed his name to “Luke Sissyfag .” Crazy, huh?
This new campaign for marriage equality is causing quite a bit of commotion! The campaign is selling T-shirts and stuff with the various phrases, and the campaign pledges to donate $5 from each T-shirt sale to leading organizations fighting for marriage equality.
The beneficiaries include the American Foundation for Equal Rights, Equality California , Courage Campaign, and Lambda Legal. So far it looks like the campaign is working. According to their Twitter Page , the site sold over 500 shirts ($2,500 donation) within the first 24 hours! They are up to $70,000 for the first week!
Buy a cool t-shirt for just $13 or buttons for $2!
And support this cause!
Like them and share them on Facebook and spread the video around!
An overview of Luke’s work can be seen at: GoodIdeasforGoodCauses.com
Best Gay News
UPDATE – October 27th -“STR8 Talk on Gay Marriage” Viral Video Gets Over 2.8 Million Views, Sells Over 30,000 T-Shirts & Raises $150,000 to Fight for Marriage Equality!!
The Videos producer Luke Montgomery hopes to raise at least $250,000 from T-shirt sales to directly aid the mainstream gay legal groups he calls “the kids brave enough to stand up to the Prop 8 ballot box bullies.” Organizers report that orders have poured in from across the globe with supporters buying T-shirts from countries including Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, Malaysia, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador and Thailand.