Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard from Nicest Thing, Go To Michigan Womyns Festival

We met Julie Goldman this past fall, when she was in Chicago, with Jonny McGovern . You may know Julie from  LOGO’s BIG GAY SKETCH SHOW.

Julie also worked With AMANDA BEARSE (Married With Children) and BRANDY HOWARD  (Automatic) on their new Lesbian Romantic Comedy, “NICEST THING “, which is in limbo securing partners to help finance and distribute the film.

While they are waiting to cause a sensation with their romantic-comedy, and  since no one wants to make their movie or cast them in anything, they feel it is their duty to harshly judge everyone else’s work based on a sliding scale of rage, bitterness, lesbianisim, and lack of any real significant training!

So meanwhile, Julie and Brandy are all over the Internet and can be seen on AUTOSTRADDLE .

Founded in March 2009 and still run by a dedicated team of indentured masochists, Autostraddle is an intelligent, hilarious & provocative voice and a progressive online community for a new generation of kickass lesbian, bisexual & otherwise inclined ladies.

Funny, Funny, Funny!  You have to watch these crazy girls! Julie and Brandy do this IN YOUR BOX OFFICE series, a hilarious  reality  webseries. I just watched  Julie and Brandy take on Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival . If you’ve ever wondered what a feminist camping trip in the middle of nowhere is like- stop wondering! This video has all the answers.

In Your Box Office

Julie Goldman blog

Best Gay News Magazine
