Rainbow Flag Creator Gilbert Baker Joins NYU Chick-Fil-A Protest
The Gothamist reported Yesterday a small but committed group of NYU students were joined by Gilbert Baker,
the designer of the rainbow flag which has come to symbolize LGBT
culture and equality, for a protest against chicken corporation
Chick-Fil-A. Organized by student Hillary Dworkoski, protesters—some
dressed as chickens—marched in front of the university carrying signs
saying “Eat more equality,” and “Don’t feed us hate.”
In case you’re still in the dark about how a delicious chicken
sandwich came to cause such an uproar, Dworkoski explains, “Chick-Fil-A,
in 2009 alone, through their tax records, it shows that they donated
two million dollars through their charitable arm, WinShape, to anti-gay
groups including Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Exodus International. Exodus International, for example, tries to cure gay people through ex-gay therapy.
Family Research Council is one of the groups that spread lies about gay
people, they say that pedophilia is a homosexual problem.”
While only one Chick-Fil-A exists in New York City (on the NYU
campus), that is one too many for gay rights activists. In January,
Dworkoski started her change.org petition
to drive out the homophobic chain. Three months later, she has almost
13,000 signatures. While other vendors can be banned from campus for
human rights violations, John Sexton (President, NYU) and the Student
Senators Council maintain that this is a political issue, and they can’t
get involved, “I guess they just don’t see that gay rights are human
rights,” says Dworkoski.
Dworkoski has been fighting this cause for a while
and is running for a spot as Senator so that she can be on the Student
Senators Council next year and pursue Chick-Fil-A through student
government. “Even if Chick-Fil-A is never banned from campus, at least
we’re raising awareness about it and that’s 13,000 more people that
aren’t eating Chick-Fil-A,” Dworkoski said. And over at Gawker
today, GOOD magazine editor Cord Jefferson brings the hammer down on all those who continue to give Chick-Fil-A their business.