Republicans for Gay Marriage Equality

What Will Romney say??    Just when we thought all Republicans were against the LGBT community – Paul E. Singer comes to our rescue! He is a billionaire and
massively influential Republican  major donor and fund-raiser. He  has committed $1 million to creating a pro-marriage equality “super PAC.” He has a gay son who is in a committed relationship. .

New York Times‘s said, :

Named American Unity PAC, its sole mission will be to encourage Republican candidates to support same-sex marriage, in part by helping them to feel financially shielded from any blowback from PaulESinger
well-funded groups that oppose it.

In an interview on
Tuesday, [Singer] told me that he’s confident that in Congressional
races, which would most likely be the super PAC’s initial focus, there
are more than a few Republicans “who could be on the verge of support”
or are “harboring and hiding their views.”

 Read more at NY Times
