Orero for Gay Pride Goes Viral
This week OREO posted a photoshopped PRIDE cookie on their Facebook page that went viral.
It also stirred up some haters.
Facebook user Jeff Tulloch writes, “No gay pride I boycott now.” Lacy
Wheeler Anderson sadly posts, “I love oreos but will no longer be
buying them because of this,” while another user, Cody Patterson
comments, “disliked Oreo page just because of this one post. Think about
how much business u just killed oreo. I can’t support a business that
supports gays.” Some people even said things like gay people need to be killed.
A couple Boycott Oreo Facebook pages have also been
created in response to the Pride cookie, but so far has only gathered 4 LIKES.
Even if you don’t eat OREO’S please leave them a positive comment, for them showing their gay pride support!
Now I am of to JCP! (JC PENNY)