Lance Armstrong Being Sued By Readers of his Book

Sometimes, maybe it is better to keep your mouth shut? The truth may set you free….but this guys life is being destroyed. 

  A class-action lawsuit filed in a federal court in
California this week accuses cyclist Lance Armstrong and his book
publishers of peddling fiction as fact.

The lawsuit mentions two of Armstrong’s books, “Every Second Counts”
and “It’s Not About the Bike.” It accuses the cyclist and his publishers
of fraud and false advertising.

The suit says the books were sold “based upon the false belief that
they were true and honest works of nonfiction when, in fact, Defendants
knew or should have known that these books were works of fiction.”

After years of vehemently denying that he used drugs to boost his
performance during his record seven Tour de France wins, Armstrong
confessed to Oprah Winfrey last week that he lied.

