Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A Allegedly Has Stopped Giving his Money to Anti-Gay Groups

 I am not buying this story just yet. 

Campus Pride executive director Shane Windmeyer writes about his months-long dialogue with Chick-fil-A President and COO Dan Cathy which led to an invitation to hang out with Cathy at the Chick-fil-A bowl, and the suspension of Campus Pride’s boycott and protest of the chicken chain.
WindmeyerWindmeyer says Cathy called him out of the blue and began an extensive dialogue of trust-filled exchanges. 
Chick-fil-A allegedly provided access to internal documents related to the
funding of anti-LGBT groups, to Shane. “This past week Chick-fil-A shared with me the 2011 IRS Form 990, filed
in November for the WinShape Foundation, along with 2012 financials. The
IRS has not released the 990 to the public yet, but the financials
affirm Chick-fil-A’s values a year prior to the controversy this past
July. The nearly $6 million in outside grant funding focuses on youth,
education, marriage enrichment and local communities. The funding
reflects Chick-fil-A’s promised commitment not to engage in “political
or social debates,” and the most divisive, anti-LGBT groups are no
longer listed.

Even as Campus Pride and so many in the community
protested Chick-fil-A and its funding of groups like Family Research
Council, Eagle Forum and Exodus International, the funding of these
groups had already stopped.
Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A could have noted
this publicly earlier. Instead, they chose to be patient, to engage in
private dialogue, to reach understanding,and to share proof with me when
it was official. There was no “caving”; there were no “concessions.”
There was, in my view, conscience.”
I think Chick-fil-A has stopped giving $6 million + to those groups, banking on the fact they can increase sales with gay people!

I am still not buying it. I want to see Dan Cathy make donations to GLAAD, the TREVOR PROJECT, PFLAG, GMHC and other LGBT groups, maybe then, I will consider letting down my guard. 

UPDATE!!!  1-30-2013  

Mainstream media outlets are echoing a report that the fast food giant
Chick-fil-A has allegedly ceased its donations to anti-gay organizations
and causes. In reality, the majority of the company’s anti-gay
donations remain unchanged.

But even if Windmeyer’s claim that Chick-fil-A has stopped funding
the most extreme anti-gay groups is true, the company would only have
reduced its anti-gay donations by less than one percent.

As Equality Matters reported last year, Chick-fil-A donated $1.9 million to
anti-gay groups in 2010 alone through WinShape Foundation. The majority
of that money went to groups like the Marriage & Family Foundation,
the Fellowship Of Christian Athletes, and the National Christian

  • Marriage & Family Foundation: $1,188,380
  • Fellowship Of Christian Athletes: $480,000
  • National Christian Foundation: $247,500
  • New Mexico Christian Foundation: $54,000 
  • Exodus International: $1,000
  • Family Research Council: $1,000
  • Georgia Family Council: $2,500

Windmeyer essentially admitted that Chick-fil-A would continue giving money to those groups in an interview with The Advocate:


