Ex Gay Matt Moore Caught on GRINDR
An “ex-gay” Christian advocate, who blogs about how religion saved
him from a life of homosexual sin, was recently discovered on gay hookup
app Grindr.
him from a life of homosexual sin, was recently discovered on gay hookup
app Grindr.
Matt Moore, a blogger for the Christian Post, writes extensively about how Christianity has helped him to turn away from a gay lifestyle. But, apparently it didn’t help him quite enough to steer him away from Grindr.
When caught, he said, “I am wrong in having been on grindr.
I haven’t changed my views on homosexuality, the bible, etc.,” he said
to Jones. “Creating a grindr profile and talking to guys on it was major
disobedience on my part….disobedience to Christ. Disobedience to a
loving and gracious God. Thankfully, I believe that He forgives me for
this disobedience. I believe the blood of Christ covers this
disobedience. And I won’t be on grindr again….ever.”