I’m From Driftwood Needs Your Support


I’m From Driftwood is such a cool website. If you have never checked it out, PLEASE DO SO NOW!

“I’m From Driftwood aims to help LGBTQ people learn more about their
community, straight people learn more about their neighbors and everyone
learn more about themselves through the power of storytelling and
story sharing.

We accomplish this by creating an apolitical
forum for LGBTQ stories from every age, race, gender, background and
culture to deepen our understanding of each other, preserve our
history, and open hearts and minds.
We envision a world where every lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and
queer person feels understood and accepted, and every straight person
is an ally.

There are LGBTQ stories from every corner of the Earth and the importance of each story is as unique as the stories themselves.

To the LGBTQ teens struggling to come out and come to terms with
their sexuality, who to this day still attempt suicide 4 times more than
straight kids, it says “you are not alone.” Other people have dealt
with similar situations, families, communities and churches, and have
overcome and are now living happy lives. It can happen for you, too.

To the straight community, these stories provide an open, honest and
welcoming look inside the true lives of LGBTQ people. Once you get to
know more about your neighbor, I think you’ll be surprised at how much
more you’ll get to know about yourself.”

Nathan and his small team are doing important work. And they have really cool ideas for 2013 to take I’m From Driftwood to the next level and preserve all of these stories FOREVER. These stories are such an important part of who we all are! But it takes time. and money.

“I’m From Driftwood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations
are tax-deductible, much appreciated and help us continue to collect
and share lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer stories from all
over the world.”

What can you give today, to help this awesome cause?
