Everyone Wants to Be Me or Do Me by Tom and Lorenzo

Tom and Lorenzo began blogging in 2006 with a fansite for the show
Project Runway. In response to demand from their readers, they expanded
to cover celebrity fashion, couture, red carpet commentary and other TV
shows and TLo (as their “bitter kittens” call them) has become a
household name, reaching more than 7 million visitors a month.

Thanks to their biting, insightful commentary on celebrity style,
they started getting sweet missives from pear-shaped ladies who needed a
boost of confidence more than fashion advice. “Every day, before you
leave the house,” they instructed Lady Pear, after giving her some
standard style recommendations, “look in the mirror and tell yourself,
‘Everyone wants to be me or do me.’”

In this book, they explore the
celebrity image and style culture with their trademark acerbic wit, from
starlet meltdowns to publicity seeking pregnancies to red carpet
disasters, along the way offering readers funny but inspiring takeaways
and advice on understanding what constitutes great style and confident
self-image: Know the venue, know the image you want to project, and sell
it, sell it, sell it.

Brimming with insight, humor, and
takedowns of the myths of the celebrity culture, this book offers the
best of the friends readers want picking out their clothes every morning
and gossiping over the newest issue of Vogue.

The bloggers behind the massively popular site Tom and Lorenzo, Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez
offer their unique take on all things fashion and pop culture-related
every day to an audience of over 7 million readers a month and over
100,000 Twitter followers.

They’ve appeared three times on the Sundance
Channel’s “All on the Line, with Joe Zee,” in which Joe called them “two
of the most important fashion bloggers today,” made a dozen-plus
appearances on Sirius XM Radio’s “The Derek & Romaine Show,” and
have been profiled, quoted or interviewed by EVERYONE! They live in Philadelphia.
