Gay Genes and Gay Jeans



Fabric scientists at Betabrand have announced the discovery of Gay Jeans, proof that some denim really is just born that way.

News of this revelation has reignited the debate surrounding issues of denim equality. Denim advocates are heralding the discovery, pointing to it in their argument for equal treatment for different types of jeans.

Gay Jeans begin life looking and acting like regular 5-pocket denim jeans, but as they experience normal washing and wearing over the course of their life, their indigo dye gradually fades away, revealing fabulously colorful yarns just waiting to come out.

Says Dr. Ame Corwin, Advanced Materials Researcher at Betabrand, “We hope Gay Jeans will help end generations of exclusion and unfair treatment for atypical denim. All jeans deserve equal rights, regardless of color, creed, and fiber content.”

Q: What’s the difference between Slim-Cut Gay Jeans and Stretch-Skinny Gay Jeans?

A: Gay Jeans can be worn by anyone! However, there are some key differences between the two versions: The Slim Cut is based on Betabrand’s classic 5-pocket Sons of Britches men’s jeans. They are a regular fit through the seat and thigh, and are slim/straight width through the leg. The Stretch Skinny is based on the women’s version of Sons of Britches; they’re great if you want a super-skinny pair of jeans with enough stretch to be comfortable. They have a slightly shorter rise, more allowance for hips, and are narrow all the way down the leg.

Q: How long do I have to wait for my Gay Jeans to come out of the closet?

A: They’ll come out when they’re good and ready!

Seriously though, we found the colors start to show after about a week of wear, plus one wash cycle. You’ll have to be a little patient though, as the colors come out gradually. Good things take time!

If you want to speed things up, try putting them on and rubbing wear into areas like the tops of your thighs, hem, pocket openings, etc. with a fine grit sandpaper before washing. Learn more about properly distressing denim here.


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