What is like Growing up Transgender


For most of you reading this – you know what is like to grow up gay.

But transgender – most of us do not understand that. What it is like. How do  they feel.

Maybe you think you are trans and reading this.  Many people felt transgender 20 years ago, but didn’t know what it really was; how to react or even who to turn to.

Now, thanks to social media and sharing,  transgender is really coming out of the closet.

In a brand new Aussie -made video, five transgender young people are asked: “What’s it like to be you?”

The results are compelling. Each speak openly about their awesome times along with their challenges, and how they’ve gotten through them.

The In My Shoes video is an initiative of the Transgender Anti-Violence Project at The Gender Centre.

“We hope that this film will serve as a resource for the wider community to better understand the issues facing young transgender and gender diverse people,” says the Gender Centre.

“We also hope that it encourages transgender and gender diverse people of all ages to come forward and access support if they need it.

“Thank you to these extraordinary young people for sharing their stories and to the incredible co-directors Monique Schafter and Mat Govoni.”

Take a look at the In My Shoes video .
