Gilbert Baker Passed Away


Gilbert Baker, a self-described “gay Betsy Ross” who in 1978 hand-dyed and stitched together eight strips of vibrantly colored fabric into a rainbow flag, instantly creating an enduring international symbol of gay pride, was found dead on Friday at his home in New York City. He was only 65.

Cleve Jones, a friend and gay rights activist who confirmed the death, said that Mr. Baker had a stroke several years ago but had not been sick recently.

As the gay rights movement spread from San Francisco and New York in the 1970s, Mr. Baker was often asked by friends aware of his creative talents to make banners for protests and marches. His creations, like others during that time, often included the pink triangle, which protesters had claimed as an icon after its initial use by the Nazis to identify gay men in concentration camps during World War II.

Before a gay pride parade in 1978 in San Francisco, Harvey Milk, a city supervisor and gay rights leader who was assassinated that year, joined others in asking Mr. Baker to create an emblem to represent the movement.

Mr. Baker, with help from volunteers, filled trash cans with dye in the attic of the Gay Community Center in San Francisco and pieced together the first flags, unveiling them in the parade on June 25, 1978.

“We stood there and watched and saw the flags, and their faces lit up,” Mr. Jones said in a phone interview on Friday. “It needed no explanation. People knew immediately that it was our flag.”

The first flags had eight colors, each stripe carrying its own significance: pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sun, green for nature, turquoise for magic, blue for peace and purple for spirit.

“A flag translates into everything, from tacky souvenirs to the names of organizations and the way that flags function,” Mr. Baker said in an interview in 2008. “I knew instantly when I saw the reaction that it was going to be something. I didn’t know what or how or — but I knew.”


In recent weeks he had finished creating 39 nine-color flags — the eight original colors, plus lavender to represent diversity — to commemorate the 39th anniversary of the first rainbow flag.

Mr. Baker refused to apply for a trademark for his creation. “It was his gift to the world,” Mr. Jones said. “He told me when the flag first went up that he knew at that moment that it was his life’s work.”

Source – NY  TIMES


I never got to meet Gilbert –  we had been talking the last few  weeks  about  his  lavender addition  to the flag  and  were supposed to meet and have  drinks  this  summer  in  NYC…sadly,  that will never  happen. But  I have a  piece of the 25th anniversary flag,  autographed  by him, hanging proudly  in my home. And will cherish it, as long as I live!


TRUMP will NOT Protect Federal LGBT workers


President Trump has flip-flopped once again on his promise to protect LGBT workers who work for federal contractors from workplace discrimination.  – I am so tired  of this  shit talker –  when  can we impeach him???

Trump signed an order on Monday revoking protections signed into law by President Obama in 2014. Obama signed an executive order banning LGBT discrimination among federal contractors; he concurrently signed an order requiring contracted businesses prove they’re complying with federal laws and executive orders. President Trump rescinded the latter order, making it much more difficult to know whether a business has committed to ending LGBT bias in hiring, firing, and promotions.

Lambda Legal condemned Trump’s actions, saying, “This administration has made it extremely difficult to enforce these federal laws as applied to federal contractors.” “It’s sending a message to these companies,” said Camilla Taylor, senior counsel at Lambda Legal, “…that the federal government simply doesn’t care whether or not they violate the law.”

Read  more  at  ADVOCATE


Mitchell Gold Takes Aim at North Carolina


Mitchell Gold Takes Aim at

North Carolina’s HB2 in Statement

Faith in America calls on North Carolina legislators to leave religious beliefs on LGBT people at the door

Mitchell Gold today released a statement opposing North Carolina’s Legislators and NC clergy and churches that offer despair and exclusion to NC LGBTQ youth. HB2 must be repealed and North Carolina’s youth must be embraced:

I’m writing today as Co-Founder and CEO of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Home Furnishings, and Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Faith in America to express my support for a FULL repeal of HB2 immediately.  As leaders in our state, it would immediately signal that NC is open for business to everyone, and more importantly send a lifesaving message to the vulnerable LGBT teens in North Carolina that you care about their lives.
Today in North Carolina, you can still be fired, denied housing, or refused service simply for being gay or transgender.  It’s bad for the economic sustainability of North Carolina.  We have close to 1 million SF of manufacturing and warehouse facilities and over 600 employees in western North Carolina where we proudly make all our upholstered products. We can’t afford to have barriers in place when it comes to attracting and retaining the top talent we need to succeed.  Especially for senior level talent, competitors in other states already have these protections in place, giving them a distinct advantage in recruitment and attraction.  Recent decisions by the NFL, NCAA, and NBA to move or not award big events to places lacking equal protections has made this issue even more salient when it comes to North Carolina’s reputation and economic sustainability.  
The principles of non-discrimination are rooted in core conservative values of fairness, equality, and opportunity.  Everybody should have the chance to earn a living and provide for themselves and their families.  Nobody should have to live in fear that they can be legally fired for reasons that have nothing to do with their job performance.
I want to state clearly that the issue of risk associated with transgender people using the restroom of their choice is an irresponsible and reckless witch-hunt.  If you are concerned about safety for a problem that has not existed (and believe me, transgender people have been using the restroom of their choice for years), then implement stronger harassment or peeping Tom laws. But don’t underestimate the immense harm you are causing to vulnerable transgender people. Put yourself in their shoes! Have compassion for a transgender teen who suffers mental anguish from the pressures of their everyday life.
Finally, those who would like to be able to discriminate do so with a foundation in religious beliefs that LGBT people are sinners and consequently immoral and not deserving of full equality.  These kinds of outdated religious teachings are extremely harmful to the over 1.5 million LGBT teenagers in America.   LGBT teens are 4-6 times more likely to suffer immense mental anguish, attempt or commit suicide, or abuse drugs and alcohol than their straight peers.  In conservative or anti-LGBT religious homes and churches, this number jumps to 8 times.  You can bet that is the statistic in North Carolina. Equal rights legislation says to these precious individuals that the state recognizes their worth. I know from personal experience such leadership saves lives.
As you might be faced with opposition to full repeal, please look carefully into who and why they are opposed to treating LGBT people with dignity. We know from history that using religious teachings to cause harm or marginalize others was mistaken.  Please don’t allow yourself to fall prey to their pressure.
Thank you for your commitment to a North Carolina that respects, protects, and celebrates all who live, work, and play in this great state.


Mitchell Gold


Gay News – LGBT HATE BUS FreeSpeechBus

Anti-LGBTIQ Hate Bus

 Tours The United States

The so-called FreeSpeechBus, is currently spreading its hateful message through the streets of New York City. The organizers behind the bus include the International Organization for the Family, labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the notoriously anti-LGBTIQ group National Organization for Marriage. The bright orange bus is covered in the message, “It’s Biology: Boys are boys…and always will be. Girls are girls…and always will be. You can’t change sex. Respect all.”

Jessica Stern of OutRight Action International commented,

Free speech is a constitutional right, but language has consequences. Trans youth already have an extremely high risk for violence, discrimination, and suicide. Broadcasting a message that erases and denies the reality that transgender and intersex children and youth exist is irresponsible, factually misleading, disrespectful, and dangerous. This vehicle is part of the reason trans youth are driven to suicide.

A group of individuals and organizations advocating for the human rights of LGBTIQ people have banded together calling attention to the bus’s harmful message. They are asking New York City’s political and civil society leaders to join them in speaking out against the harmful, untrue and discriminatory message it promotes and the violence against trans individuals it will likely encourage.

Gillian Kane, Senior Policy Advisor at Ipas, an international women’s reproductive health and rights organization, a member of the coalition, stated,

We call on politicians everywhere that the bus is traveling to take a stand for diversity and respect for all people—including intersex, transgender, and gender non-conforming people— and to speak out against the hate and transphobia propagated by this bus.

A similarly styled bus received strong pushback in Spain earlier this year and was recently banned in Madrid on the premise that it was discriminatory and could incite hate crimes. After the bus was banned, it received high-profile attention from the likes of Chelsea Clinton who Tweeted, “Please don’t bring these buses to the U.S. (or anywhere).”

Kimberly Zieselman, JD Executive Director of “interACT: advocates for intersex youth, commented,

This isn’t biology–this is hatred rooted in an entirely false understanding of the human body. Being a girl or a boy isn’t about biology, it is about gender. The reality is that biological sex is on a spectrum, and no amount of argument will prove otherwise. Approximately 2% of children are born intersex, meaning they transcend typical notions of what the “FreeSpeechBus” says is “boy” and girl.” This bus attempts to erase the lived realities of the incredibly brave young people I work with every day who do not fit into this binary. In the same way that gender is not limited to strict male and female categories, neither is our biological sex.

Haven Herrin, Executive Director of Soulforce, an LGBTQI social justice organization that challenges Christian Supremacy through spiritual healing, radical analysis, and strategic direct action, added their perspective commenting,

Religion that denies the sacred being of trans and intersex children is no religion at all – it’s a gross abuse of power. We need to send the message to trans and intersex youth that they are cherished just as they are and that they don’t have to conform to pressure from hateful ideologies.

The bus will also be stopping in New Haven, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC.



Grace and Frankie Season 3

Season 3 Coming March 24

They’re not friends, but when their husbands leave them for each other, proper Grace and eccentric Frankie begin to bond in this Emmy-nominated series.

Grace and Frankie is an American  comedy / drama series that originally streamed on Netflix on May 8, 2015.  The series was created by Marta Kauffman and Howard J. Morris, and stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin in the title roles of Grace and Frankie, two unlikely friends who are brought together after their husbands announce they are in love and plan to get married. Sam Waterston, Martin Sheen, Brooklyn Decker, Ethan Embry, June Diane Raphael, and Baron Vaughn co-star in supporting roles.


Tyler Oakley on Larry King

During a recent sit down with Larry King on the multi Emmy nominated series

“Larry King Now”, YouTube phenomenon Tyler Oakley explains his take on how the digital world has helped LGBT equality like never before because it can “reach people you never would have reached,” and how he believes “digital has changed everything.”

Tyler bonds with Larry while discussing the issues he faced coming out, and exclusively tells Larry his feelings on President Trump expressing that, Anybody can hold up a flag, I want to see protection.”


I wanted to share this clip with you should you be interested in covering. The episode just premiered on Ora TV. I’ve included more info below, let me know if you need anything else!


Tyler Oakley & Larry King fight for LGBT rights



Calvin Klein Boyfriend Kevin Baker

Calvin Klein + Kevin Baker

ahhhhh  to  be  young  and  beautiful!

Calvin Klein is known to surround himself with pretty young things. His latest is no different and perhaps his hottest.

The 74-year-old legendary designer recently brought his new boy toy, 29-year-old model Kevin Baker, to the American Ballet Theatre. It’s not their first outing. They’ve been spotted at several events together, but haven’t publicly confirmed their relationship.

Find Kevin Baker on Instagram.

Kevin Baker has  done porn too, of course,  but we can not  share  those  links  here –  but they are out there!

Baker  also has a hot  twin bro!




Tinder’s founder, Sean Rad, announced that since GLAAD worked with Tinder to make the platform trans-inclusive, Tinder has matched over 250,000 trans users. That’s a huge number and shows that transgender inclusion really works.

When Tinder released its “More Genders” update last November, it sent a strong message to tens of millions of people that trans people were welcome at Tinder.


It’s particularly important that this news came out at an event in Texas, where the message is sorely needed — Texas is currently considering a law, SB6, that would codify discrimination against trans people.

From working with companies like Tinder and the cast of Transparent, to fighting back against SB6 and the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back protections for trans kids, GLAAD is fighting on the front lines to accelerate acceptance for trans people. Today, we’re asking you to be a part of that work.

Your contribution of just $25 is an important way for you to voice your support for all trans people — and to make an unequivocal statement that all of us deserve nothing less than full acceptance:

Derrick, donate $25

Thank you for being one of GLAAD’s best supporters. We can’t do this without you.


Classic Gay Film MAURICE Restored

The 4K Restoration and 30th Anniversary Re-release of
The Merchant Ivory Production of
Directed by James Ivory
Produced by Ismail Merchant
Based upon the novel by E.M. Forster

In celebration of its 30th Anniversary, the landmark 1987 production Maurice returns with a sparkling presentation that befits its status as one of the finest films ever made by the exalted Merchant Ivory Productions, as well as being one of the most respected and popular mainstream gay-themed films of its day.


Cohen Media Group, which has acquired a 30-film library of movies directed and produced by the James Ivory-Ismail Merchant filmmaking team, proudly presents Maurice in a brand new 4K scan and restoration from the original camera negative and magnetic soundtrack, and featuring a new 5.1 audio mix from the stereo 35mm mags, all approved by director James Ivory.

Written in 1914 by E.M. Forster, Maurice was the second of his novels to be adapted by Merchant Ivory (following 1986’s A Room with a View). First published in 1971, a year after Forster’s death, the novel takes on a subject that no major bildungsroman (or, loosely, “coming of age novel”) in the genre had ever addressed: the problem of coming of age as a homosexual in a restrictive society.

Maurice was co-written for the screen by director James Ivory and first-time feature writer Kit Hesketh-Harvey (marking a rare instance that Ivory did not collaborate with his usual writing partner Ruth Prawer Jhabvala). Hesketh-Harvey, who is best known as a musical performer, composer and translator, was a Cambridge graduate and thus familiar with the novel’s milieu.


Starring James Wilby (Maurice) and Hugh Grant (Clive) as two Cambridge undergraduates who fall in love, the film Maurice is set amidst the hypocritical homoerotic subculture of the English university in Forster’s time. In an environment in which any reference to ” the unspeakable vice of the Greeks” is omitted, and any overture toward a physical relationship between men might be punishable by law, Maurice and Clive struggle to come to terms with their own feelings toward each other and toward a repressive community.


After their friend Lord Risley (Mark Tandy) is arrested and sentenced to six months of hard labor after soliciting sex from a soldier, Clive abandons his forbidden love and marries a young woman. Maurice, however, struggles with questions of his identity and self-confidence, seeking the help of a hypnotist (Ben Kingsley) to rid himself of his undeniable urges.


But while staying with Clive and his shallow wife, Anne (Phoebe Nicholls), Maurice attracts the attention of Alec Scudder (Rupert Graves), the under-gamekeeper. Alec then leaves his family in order to stay with Maurice, whom he tells, “Now we shan’t never be parted.”


The film had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival in 1987 (during the height of the AIDS crisis), where Ivory was awarded a Silver Lion as Best Director, sharing the prize with Italian filmmaker Ermanno Olmi for his film Long Live the Lady!. James Wilby and Hugh Grant were jointly awarded Best Actor, and composer Richard Robbins received the Golden Osella prize for his score. The film also received an Academy Award® nomination (Best Costume Design, Jenny Beavan & John Bright) for the 60th Academy Awards®


Thirty years on, Maurice remains a wonderfully mounted and outstandingly acted period drama, its themes of repression, dignity, compromise and love in the face of persecution still are as relevant today as they were in the 1980s and, indeed, as they were when E.M. Forster penned his novel more than a century ago.


Formed in 2008 by Charles S. Cohen, an executive producer of Frozen River which garnered two Academy Award nominations, the Cohen Media Group (CMG) is a theatrical film production company that has been steadily developing into a dynamic, positive force within the film industry. The Cohen Media Group’s intent is to produce and distribute select films throughout North America annually, allowing the CMG team to devote their best efforts toward each unique film’s fullest potential. With a strong dedication to quality movies and a highly motivated and talented support team of professionals, the Cohen Media Group looks forward to a long future as part of the film industry’s distinguished horizon.


FEUD: Bette and Joan MARCH 5th

FEUD: Bette and Joan

Premieres Sunday, March 5th on FX

FEUD: Bette and Joan, the first installment of the new FX anthology series from Ryan Murphy, tells the story of the legendary rivalry between Joan Crawford (Jessica Lange) and Bette Davis (Susan Sarandon) during their collaboration on the Academy Award®-nominated thriller What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, and well after the cameras stopped rolling. The series explores how the two women endured ageism, sexism, and misogyny while struggling to hang on to success and fame in the twilight of their careers.


In addition to Academy Award® winners Lange and Sarandon, the cast includes Alfred Molina as the film’s director Robert Aldrich, Stanley Tucci as studio titan Jack Warner, Judy Davis as gossip columnist Hedda Hopper, Jackie Hoffman as Crawford’s housekeeper Mamacita, and Alison Wright as Aldrich’s assistant Pauline.


Notable guest stars include Dominic Burgess as Crawford and Davis’ co-star Victor Buono, Catherine Zeta-Jones as film star Olivia de Havilland, Sarah Paulson as Geraldine Page, Kathy Bates as Joan Blondell and Kiernan Shipka as B.D., Bette Davis’ daughter.


Ryan Murphy serves as Executive Producer along with Executive Producers Dede Gardner of Brad Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment, Tim Minear and Alexis Martin Woodall. The series is produced by Fox 21 Television Studios


Cast: Jessica Lange “Joan Crawford”, Susan Sarandon “Bette Davis”, Stanley Tucci “Jack Warner”, Alfred Molina “Robert Aldrich”, Judy Davis “Hedda Hopper”, Jackie Hoffman “Mamacita”, Alison Wright “Pauline”

Directed by: Ryan Murphy, Tim Minear

Written by: Ryan Murphy, Tim Minear


Social info:

Official site:







#gaynews LGBTQ Movie FAIR HAVEN





Writer/Director Kerstin Karlhuber always knew she wanted to tell this story. She couldn’t have expected that its themes would become so deeply relevant to the current American political and social climate.


Kerstin’s debut feature film Fair Haven is a tender love story, a rural working class family drama, and a poignant exploration of the lingering effects of “gay conversion therapy” on a young man and the people he loves most. As America begins to come to terms with a new presidential administration, issues of LGBT rights and acceptance have once again been thrust to the forefront of the national conversation, with many fearful that the progress of recent years is in danger of being reversed.

Kerstin has dedicated the film to her late cousin Katelyn, a young transgender woman who tragically passed away soon after the film was completed.


“Spreading the message of acceptance and tolerance is our mission,” said Kerstin Karlhuber. “If we can help young people gain confidence in their differences and maybe open a few closed minds we’ll have achieved our goal.”

Fair Haven’s theatrical debut on March 3 and VOD/DVD release on March 7

A trailer for Fair Haven is available HERE.


New Film Looks at Immigration Issues and Love


The official video trailer has been released by Iconoclast for the motion picture “En Algun Lugar” (A Place to Be), which stars Nelson Rodriguez (Pride Films and Plays, Easy Abby) as Abel, and Andrew Saenz (Chicago PD, Sirens) as Diego, and written and directed by award winning filmmaker Tadeo Garcia (On the Downlow, Under Covers).


“En Algun Lugar” follows the relationship between Abel & Diego, from Chicago to Mexico.

When tragedy strikes and Diego’s undocumented immigration status is revealed, their love and sacrifice is put to the test through uncertain times that will affect their relationship. Set against the foundation of a broken U.S. immigration system, “En Algun Lugar” sheds light on the mantra of love overcomes all and love knows no borders.

Alongside Nelson Rodriguez and Andrew Saenz the cast includes Jessie Prez as Braulio, Ian Tranberg as Stephen, Sandra Marquez as Lilly, Charin Alvarez as Rita and Erica Cruz Hernandez as Carolina. Other cast include J.J. Romero, Caitlin Jackson, Blaine Thomas Childers, Enrique Guzman, Juan Martinez, Artemio Gonzalez, Carolyn Hoerdemann, Mickey O’Sullivan, Nick Mikula, Zach Livingston, Will Clinger, Diego Sanchez, Michael J. Sanow, Ayssette Munoz, Chris Acevedo, Matt Nikkila, Carmen Cenko, Daniel Hansen, Cole Reed, Frank Menolascino, Davon Suttles, Jon Jackson, Alex Knoll, Mike Hynek, Richard Cotovsky, Rudy Galvan, Diego Colon, Lane Flores, Cole McMillan and Caitlin Boho.


Tadeo Garcia’s provocative and intimate tale of love and fear of the unknown comes to life in a never before seen cinematic perspective produced by Aric S. Jackson ( and Michael J. Sanow (Under Covers, Blood Brothers). Featuring the people, culture, dynamic geography and architecture of both Jalpa, Zacatecas; MEX and Chicago, Illinois; USA, the wonder of Tadeo Garcia’s story has captivated those involved both in front and behind the camera. The producers stress this would not be possible without the talents of cinematographer Charlie Garcia, production designer Pablo Ponce, casting director Stephanie Diaz, costume designer Freddy Rocha, makeup artists Lilien Harvey and Ruby Ortiz, and music from Los Pecados and The Pinto Bean.

The producers of the film also announce the release of “behind-the-scenes” photos and video clips via the film’s official website at and its social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) showing the cast and crew during the production of “En Algun Lugar.”

En Algun Lugar aims for a mid-2017 release.

The new trailer can be viewed at .


Gavin Grimm Transgender Case goes to Supreme Court

There was nothing remarkable about Gavin Grimm’s first trip to the boys’ bathroom at Gloucester High School. It was a little more than a month into his sophomore year, when the transgender teenager had begun quietly reintroducing himself to the student body as a boy.

Grimm had used men’s restrooms at restaurants, stores and the local amusement park, and using the boys’ bathroom at his school felt like “the natural progression of things,” he said. Just like cutting his hair short, just like wearing baggy pants and graphic T-shirts, just like beginning testosterone shots. He started using the boys’ bathroom shortly after he got word from Principal Nate Collins that it would be okay.

But that decision to use the boys’ bathroom one fall day in 2014 clashed with this town’s sensibilities and led to an acrimonious public debate. Now, Grimm’s case has made this quiet, out-of-the-way community in Virginia’s Tidewater region the unlikely center of the national debate over how public schools should accommodate transgender students.

The U.S. Supreme Court announced Friday it will hear a school board’s appeal of a lower court decision affirming transgender students’ access to facilities appropriate for their gender identity — and if it lets that decision stand, it will be a major victory for  transgender rights  relating to students.

After Donald Trump‘s election, there was some question about whether the court would uphold last October’s decision to hear the case of transgender teen Gavin Grimm, who is suing his Virginia high school for the right to use the restroom and locker room that corresponds with his gender.

The justices are scheduled to hear the case on March 28 and Grimm is preparing for the spotlight. Grimm was initially allowed to use the boys’ restroom at his high school, but after receiving complaints, the school board adopted a policy requiring students to use the restroom that corresponds with their sex assigned at birth or be segregated to a single-stall restroom.

His case drew headlines as it advanced from remarks before the school board to federal courts. That’s because it’s not just Grimm’s life on the line. The Supreme Court’s ruling could settle, one way or another, the debate over whether transgender people should be regarded as the gender they say they are, and allowed equal access to public spaces like restrooms, for years to come.


STONEWALL on dvd with Jeremy Irvine

THIS  IS  A  MUST SEE MOVIE  !! Especially  for  LGBTQ  youths!

STONEWALL is a drama about a fictional young man caught up during the 1969 Stonewall riots. Danny Winters (Played by the handsome and talented Jeremy Irvine) is kicked out of his home,  moves to New York City from the Mid West following an incident with a schoolmate that causes problems with his family.

Struggling to come to terms with his sexuality, Danny falls in with Ramona (Jonny Beauchamp is outstanding!) and her friends and quickly becomes part of the Greenwich Village scene. During a night in the Stonewall Inn, Danny learns about the harsh realities of being gay in the late 60s but a chance meeting with Trevor (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) promises to change his life until he’s forced into the hands of Stonewall Inn manager Ed Murphy (Ron Perlman) who exploits young gay homeless people.

Pip Ellwood -Hughes gave a great review  which  I agree  with 100%.

It’s true – Stonewall was pretty much a critical and commercial failure on its theatrical release. Many took exception to the film’s perceived white-washing of the Stonewall Riots and complained that it didn’t accurately reflect the ethnic diversity that actually played a part in the historical event. The poor reception led to the film flopping despite director/producer Roland Emmerich and star Jeremy Irvine going on the offensive to try and counter the negative press.

What becomes clear while watching Stonewall is that the film was a victim of deceptive marketing more than anything else. It’s actually an engaging, emotional and entertaining film but the emphasis on the Stonewall Riots is a little misleading. Stonewall is actually the story of a teenage boy coming to terms with his sexuality against the backdrop of the Stonewall Riots; it’s not a recreation of the event as the marketing and indeed the film’s title would lead you to believe.

It’s  well worth watching!

Read more  HERE.

Official  Website  HERE


DROWN Movie about Three Surfers and Homosexuality


the movie.
in 2015,  a  powerful  gay movie  was released, that slipped by us.  We watched it  on Netflix  last night and WOW!   What a great  movie!
Sexy guys  in swimsuits – mixed with violence, jealousy, desire, homophobia and self hatred.

Len is a Surf Lifesaving champion in the cloistered surf club just like his father.  But when the younger, fitter Phil arrives at the club, Len’s legendary status starts to crumble.   Then Len sees Phil in the company of another man. Phil is gay. 

Over the summer, Len forms unexpected, confusing feelings for Phil.  When Phil de-thrones Len at the annual surf competition, Len and his buddy “Meat”  take Phil out on an intoxicated bender through the seedy city.  Jealousy, homophobic fear and unrequited lust culminate in a tragic late night trip back to beach where Len seeks total oblivion.

Stars   MATT LEVETT,  there is great interview  with Matt,  HERE.

also  Jack Matthews.   and  Harry Cook. (Who came out as gay last year).

Beautifully  filmed – on a show string  budget.  Acting is top notch  and  you really feel and believe the characters!


…...through the damaged psyche of a man too afraid of his own nature to permit free reign to his impulses for tenderness and affection, and who ends up translating his yearning into hatred. The film poses a question that should be asked of all anti-gay thugs: Who’s tougher? The guy who can throw a punch? Or the guy who can revel in a kiss?”

Outwardly, Dean Francis’ Drown is a story about homophobia in sport through the scantily clad world of surf lifesavers in Sydney. Yet this gripping film goes much deeper to examine the tragic consequences of unchecked self-loathing in a heavily defined and hard drinking culture of mateship.


Please  see the movie – support this  movie – share this movie  with your network.  DROWN.

Better  yet,  buy  the  movie.  (from the company) 

In the US – get it from Amazon-Drown

The entire cast and crew actually  deferred  their  wages  to  get this film made! That’s such a huge sacrifice and risk.

Interview with Director  Dean  Francis  can be seen  here.   Facebook  page  here.


LGBTQ March on Washington 2017

Drawing inspiration from last weekend’s Women’s March on Washington, a gay activist in New York City has announced plans for the National Pride March, a “mass” LGBT protest at the nation’s capital on June 11, 2017.

David Bruinooge, 42, of Brooklyn, N.Y., announced the plan on Facebook and created an event page for those interested in keeping up with the protest’s progress.

“We urge all supporters, friends, and family to descend on DC for the Pride 2017 weekend (June 8-11th) to make sure our voices are heard,” part of the post reads.

The march will coincide with Capital Pride, DC’s annual pride celebration, and organizers hope to draw big numbers to send a clear message to Washington’s powered elite that LGBTQ rights are not to be threatened.

The last major LGBT protest in DC was the National Equality March in 2009, which called for full equality for LGBTQ people in all matters of civil law, in all 50 states. At that time, only five states had legal same-sex marriage. It drew participants in the hundreds of thousands.


Chris Mears and Ryan Potter Naked

WOW  WOW WOW!   We do not publish nudes  on this site –  but I had  to share  this  link  with you all –  who  are interested.  WARNING –  NSFW.

2 celebrities recently had some leaked nudes.

Chris Mears (above left)

                     and  Ryan Potter (right).

British Olympic diver (and close pal of Tom Daley) Chris Mears drops the trunks and lets it all hang out in these leaked Snapchat shots and video.  Chris  has  gotten  thousands  of tweets  and comments  (positive)  about the leaked  pics  and  vid!

Ryan Potter is an American actor and martial artist. Beginning his career as a professional actor at the age of 15, Potter is perhaps best known for his starring role as Mike Fukanaga in Supah Ninjas and for voicing Hiro Hamada in Big Hero 6.-  we just discovered  his  pics  last night – no comment  yet  from his camp.


SEE  the  pics  at  and  click  the third  tab,  BLOG




Will and Grace back at NBC

IT’S  OFFICIAL!!!      Will & Grace is returning to NBC.

Less than a month after former co-star Leslie Jordan leaked the news, (and Debra Messing  said  it was false – the a deal had not been reached yet)  NBC  made the formal announcement   today at the Television Critics Association’s winter press tour.

The Will & Grace revival will consist of 10 episodes and bring stars Debra Messing, Eric McCormack, Megan Mullally and Sean Hayes back to the network with the series set to bow during the 2017-18 broadcast season. They are joined by original series creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick, who all had to ink new deals with producers Universal Television for the revival. (Hayes has a long-standing relationship with Uni TV, having developed several series for the studio including NBC’s Grimmand Hollywood Game Night.) James Burrows, who directed every episode of the show during its initial run, will return in the same capacity. Kohan and Mutchnick will again serve as showrunners.


Mother Stabs and Kills Gay Son

I hate to even share news like this – but it is important for people to understand that this goes on!

Mother Stabs Son To Death For Being Gay– on Christmas Eve!

A mother in Brazil has confessed to stabbing her teenage son to death because of his sexuality.

The attack occurred on Christmas Eve as Tatiana Lozano Pereira, 32, and her 17-year-old son Itaberli Lozano were returning home after having a heated argument. Once they entered the house, the boy was ambushed by Pereira and two men she’d hired to assault him.

Though the original plan was to bruise him up to “teach him a lesson” about being gay, halfway through the beating, Pereira ordered the men to kill him. When they refused, she took a kitchen knife and stabbed him herself, according to local news sources.

The 32-year-old mother told police that after he was dead, she removed the body from the house with the help of her husband, the boy’s stepfather. They took it to a nearby cane field where they burned it.

The young boy’s charred remains were discovered on January 7. During her first interrogation, Pereira reportedly confessed her part in the crime, naming the two men she’d hired. Her husband was charged for aiding in the disposal of the body.

According to several family members, including the boy’s uncle, Pereira had long rejected her son for his sexuality.


Is Cristiano Ronaldo Gay?

Last fall, Cristiano Ronaldo butted heads with Atletico Madrid midfielder Koke after Koke allegedly called him a “faggot.” According to The Sun, Ronaldo replied: “A faggot, yes. But a rich one, bastard.”


In December, taunts  from fans continued. Metro reports:

“Barcelona could face action after a section of supporters targeted Cristiano Ronaldo with a homophobic chant during El Clasico.

“Not for the first time this season, the Real Madrid forward was subjected to homophobic slurs as some fans at the Nou Camp sang: ‘Cristiano come out of the closet’.

“The chants were drowned out by whistles of fellow home supporters during the 1-1 draw.

“It is possible La Liga will take action over the incident.”

Is he?   Isn’t  he?  We will see…….


Dustin Lance Black When We Rise


When We Rise

is an exciting upcoming docudrama miniseries written by Dustin Lance Black!

When We Rise chronicles the personal and political struggles, set-backs and triumphs of a diverse family of LGBT people who helped pioneer an offshoot of the Civil Rights Movement from its turbulent infancy in the 20th century to the once unfathomable successes of today. The period piece tells the history of the gay rights movement, starting with the Stonewall riots in 1969.

The series will be eight hours long in seven parts with Gus Van Sant directing the first two-hour part with Dee Rees directing parts two and three, Thomas Schlamme parts four and five, and Black parts six and seven.

A  star studded cast!  Guy Pearce, Rachel Griffiths, Mary-Louise Parker, Michael K. Williams, Whoopi Goldberg, David Hyde Pierce, Dylan Walsh, Mary McCormack and more star in the story of diverse family of LGBT men and women who helped pioneer an offshoot of the Civil Rights movement from its turbulent infancy.


GET THE BOOK   NOW!!When We Rise: My Life in the Movement


Neil Patrick Harris in New York City


This year marks the monumental 10-year anniversary of (RED). 

It is astonishing that in 2005, 1200 babies were born every day with HIV.  In 2015, that number was cut by two-thirds to 400.


Playing a role in this pivotal fight and extraordinary anniversary, Neil Patrick Harris is partnering with Coca-Cola and (RED) to help bring additional awareness to this cause.


Beginning today, you can head over to to donate.   A $10 donation will get you 100 entries for Neil’s exclusive experience.  One lucky winner + guest will join Neil and his husband for a fun night out in New York City!  In addition to getting flown out and staying in a 4-star hotel, the winner will catch a Broadway show with the couple and grab dinner at one of Neil’s favorite spots in the city.


Donations can be made at many levels and include additional campaign perks – anything from a (RED) campaign shirt to signed merchandise from Neil himself.  Coca-Cola will also match every dollar raised by Neil Patrick Harris’ campaign this year, up to $2million.


