Category Archives: Politics

Texas Republicans HATE Gays

The examiner says, “Over the last 50 years, the Republican party has been stamped with the stigma of prejudice and racism.
While not all registered Republican voters and lawmakers have shown a
history of bigotry, they still have to defend those who have.

Out of all the states in the country, one of the most conservative is the Lone Star State of Texas.”

The Texas Republican Party platform 2012.


We affirm that the practice of
homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the
breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the
fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God,
recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of
Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable
“alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should “family” be
redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We believe there should be
no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status
for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally,
we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose
homosexuality out of faith, conviction or belief in traditional values.


Robin Hood Tax – PLEASE SHARE This Video

a TINY, simple little tax, can kickstart  the economy with BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Chris Martin (Coldplay), Mark Ruffalo (Avengers, The Kids Are Alright),
Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) and economist Jeffrey Sachs star
alongside ordinary Americans in calling for a Robin Hood Tax.

Robin Hood Tax campaign is calling for a tax of less than half of 1% on
Wall Street transactions that could generate hundreds of billions of
dollars each year.

A Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street will provide
funding to kickstart the economy and get America back on its feet by
creating jobs and strengthening public services like health care,
education and infrastructure at home while tackling AIDS, global health,
poverty and climate challenges around the world.

Please  share this video!!!


Straights Only Stickers by Artist Castroburger

Towleroad ran this – and I wanted to share it, to help spread the word:

Castroburger is  a street artist and Towleroad reader:

A while back he created  GODS  HATES  FACTS campaign, now he has started a new sticker campaign, Straights Only. 

“It is a play on the Whites Only signs of segregated America. The campaign has spread over the past months to Mexico, Latin America, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, England, and Scotland and we hope this is just the beginning.

After my boyfriend had to go back to the UK this past February (thanks to DOMA), I needed to vent my frustration and came up with Straights Only after reading a story about a Whites Only sign put up at a public pool in Ohio in 2011.

My intent is to shock the viewer before they read the small print and discover this is about the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was set up in 1996 to protect traditional marriage. So far this year DOMA has kept my boyfriend 5500 miles away for 4 months and forced us to spend our 5th anniversary apart. And we’re not alone in this situation (I’m sure you are aware). There are tens of thousands of other same-sex couples facing considerable time apart each year.

We hope to start making an impact not just in the big cities with Straights Only, but in communities like I grew up in, Denton, Texas.

A bigcartel store has been created
for anyone who’d like to get involved.  All proceeds fund my boyfriend’s Visa fees. People can also check out our Facebook page.


Michael Lucas Does Not Like Muslims and Always gets his Way

“If someone fu*ks with Israel, I fu*k them back,” Michael Lucas told Gay City News. “And I usually win.”

The Village Voice did a great piece this week on free speech and the battle over gay rights.

The quote from porn king Michael Lucas came last year after a small war over freedom speech went down in Israel.

Siege Busters Working Group planned its “Party to End Israeli
Apartheid” in March of 2011 at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, &
Transgender Community Center. Siege Busters had been renting meeting space in the Center—as nearly any community group can—for numerous weeks last year.

But when gay-porn king Michael Lucas got wind of the group’s plans, he vowed to keep them (or anyone else) from criticizing Israel within the Center’s walls. Lucas known for his Zionism and open hatred of Muslims, went about getting the Center to eject Siege Busters. And he won. But only after a huge power struggle  with GLAAD and other groups.

So this week VV  explores the power struggles of the gay movement in a great piece by Steven Thrasher. Check it out!


Happy Gay Pride from Hillary Clinton

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers a video message for Pride Month.

A text transcript can be found  ONLINE


Nuns Fight Back and Challenge the Vatican

Sisters Are Doing It!

Isn’t it funny that gay men have always resonated with nuns? 

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI), also called Order of Perpetual Indulgence (OPI) in Australia and elsewhere, is a charity, protest, and street performance organization that uses drag  and Catholic imagery to call attention to sexual intolerance and
satirize issues of gender and morality. At their inception in 1979, a
small group of gay men in San Francisco began wearing the attire of nuns in visible situations using high camp make up and crazy names to draw attention to social conflicts and problems in the Castro District.

In the news this week,

The largest organisation of US Catholic nuns has
rejected a Vatican assessment that they had fallen under the sway of
radical feminism.

The assessment said the nuns needed to hand control of their group over to a trio of bishops.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, whose members represent
about 80% of nuns in the United States, issued a sharp statement
calling the Vatican’s rebuke unsubstantiated and “the result of a flawed
process that lacked transparency.”  

The nuns said the Vatican’s report has “caused scandal and pain
throughout the church community and created greater polarisation.”

Tensions between US nuns and church authorities, both in Rome and in the
United States, have been simmering for decades as nuns have taken an
increasingly independent and outspoken role in politics and social

To bring the sisters into line, the Vatican announced earlier this
spring that it would put the Leadership Conference under the effective
control of three bishops, who would have the power to rewrite its
statutes, its meeting agendas and even its liturgical texts.  

In their response on Friday, announced after three days of discussion
and prayer in Washington, D.C., the conference board called the
punishment “disproportionate” and said it “could compromise their
ability to fulfill their mission.”

You Go Girls!!

This morning, The Vatican  sharply criticized a book on sexuality written
by a prominent American nun, saying it contradicted church teaching on
issues like masturbation, homosexuality and marriage and that its author
had a “defective understanding” of Catholic theology.

Vatican’s orthodoxy office said the book, Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics
by Sister Margaret Farley, a member of the
Sisters of Mercy religious order and emeritus professor of Christian
ethics at Yale Divinity School, posed “grave harm” to the faithful.


Gay Activist Beaten in Ukraine…New Laws will Make it illegal to be Gay, in Public

Ukrainian Gay Forum leader Svyatoslav
Sheremet woke up on the morning of May 20 looking forward to the gay
pride march that he and his colleagues had been planning for months. The
march was the only public event the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) community in Kyiv had scheduled to mark May 17th’s
International Day Against Homophobia.

By that afternoon, Sheremet was in the hospital with bleeding in his eyes, multiple contusions, cuts, and bruises.

The clutch of reporters nearby witnessed and filmed the attack, which lasted about 30 seconds. 

 As early as this week, Ukraine’s
legislature is expected to vote in favor of new laws that will make it
illegal to be gay or lesbian in public.

Viktor Yanukovych is the person with the power to stop the law in its
tracks. He’s been trying to forge a “special alliance” with the European
Union for years and this Friday an EU delegation focusing on human
rights will visit Ukraine to advance the alliance process.

40,000 Europeans have already signed on to tell Yanukovych to block this atrocious law.
But that’s just not enough – we need to double that number before the
meeting on Friday.  If we don’t push him to speak out now, an entire
generation will be forced into the shadows.

Will you help us reach 100,000 signers around the world in the next two days?
If we hit the goal, All Out will partner with our friends in Ukraine in
a dramatic delivery that President Yanukovych cannot ignore:


FINALLY, Obama Supports Same Sex Gay Marriage

FINALLY, on the heals of that awful news in North Carolina, OBAMA has FINALLY SAID IT! 


The president drops a political bombshell by siding with gays on a culturally divisive issue.

Today, President Barack Obama sat for an interview and
publicly declared for the first time that he believes lesbian and gay
people should have the right to marry.

This is an incredible, historic moment with huge implications for the
US and the world. As many US states continue to ban marriage and 76
nations criminalize people because of who they love, President Obama has
just stood up to boldly say that all love is equal.


“It is important for me to affirm, that same sex should be able to marry”.




Amendment One in North Carolina Passes

Marriage between one man and one woman
               is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized

By the time you read this, Amendment One, which strengthens the ban on same-sex marriage and erodes state support of civil unions, will have passed in North Carolina — and likely by a fairly hefty margin.

How to account for the amendment’s popularity?

Maybe it’s sheer ignorance. As Wonkette notes,
the people fondest of the amendment (supporting it by the margin of 64
to 28) are those who admit they are not quite clear on what it does.

People leaving the polls admitted they were not really sure what it did – but they were told they should vote for it!

read more at Washington Post

PS  – The democratic National convention will be in North Carolina in September!
There is a movement to MOVE THE CONVENTION. SIGN Online.


North Carolina Amendment One and Scary Times


 is a scary thing. 
I feel so sorry for gay people living in North Carolina right now. 

The North Carolina Same-Sex Marriage Amendment will appear on the May 8, 2012 ballot  next week, in the state of North Carolina as a legislatively-referred constitutional amendment.

The measure would define marriage in the state constitution as between one man and one woman, and would ban any other type of “domestic legal union” such as civil unions and domestic partnerships.

Same-sex marriage is already illegal in the state of North Carolina. The proposed measure, however, would add the ban to the state constitution.

The churches are really cranking up their efforts to convince people  GAY KIDS NEED TO SLAPPED.  PUNCHED. SQUASHED LIKE A COCKROACH!

Good As You  site represents a new generation of GLBT activism. It’s  an awesome newish site we just discovered.

They just posted  –

“Crack that wrist!”

“Give ’em a good punch!”

“Vote for Amendment 1!”

Those sentiments from Pastor Sean Harris, speaking during this past weekend’s “Marriage Sunday”
(a church effort put together by Vote For Marriage NC, the campaign to
ban same-sex marriage in the Tar Heel State constitution).

In part he said, ”
Dads, the second you see your son dropping
the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give
him a good punch
. Ok? You are not going to act like that. You were made
by God to be a male and you are going to be a male”

You MUST listen to this  audio clip   GOOD  AS  YOU  posted on their site.  SCARY!!!

Then    The David Pakman Show,  an internationally syndicated talk radio show, tried to talk the pastor! When the church answered the phone, they said they did not make the comments,  they can  not comment on his comments.


Romneys Richard Grenell Resigns

The Washington Post reported that the openly gay Richard Grenell had been hounded from the campaign by anti-gay conservatives.

Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades said in a statement that
Grenell, hired last month, decided to leave for personal reasons that he
did not specify.

“We are disappointed that Ric decided to resign from the campaign for
his own personal reasons. We wanted him to stay because he had superior
qualifications for the position he was hired to fill,” Rhoades said. –  SERIOUSLY? You hired him!  Stand behind him for God’s sake and speak the TRUTH!

The Post’s “Right Turn” column quoted a statement from
Grenell that said his ability to “speak clearly and forcefully on the
issues has been greatly diminished by the hyper-partisan discussion of
personal issues that sometimes comes from a presidential campaign.”


Vote NO on Prop Romney

“Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman,” Romney said
during his time as Massachusetts governor. “I will support an amendment
to the Massachusetts constitution to make that expressly clear.”

“Of course, basic civil rights and appropriate benefits should be
available to people in non-traditional relationships,” Romney continued.
“But marriage is a special institution and our constitution and laws
should reflect that.”

Romney has been saying much of the same in the last few years. His
recent positions on marriage equality, gays in the military, and
employment discrimination protections are well documented since he broke
onto the national stage in the 2008 general election.



Jesus Was Not A Homophobe Lawsuit

Earlier today, Lambda Legal filed suit against Wayne Local School District in Ohio on behalf of a Waynesville High School Student, Maverick Couch.

Last April, on the National Day of Silence, Maverick Couch wore a T-shirt to Waynesville High School that featured a rainbow Ichthys or “sign of the fish” along with the words “Jesus is not a homophobe.”  The school principal ordered Maverick to turn the T-shirt inside out and told him that if he wore it again he would be suspended from school.

Maverick did not give up. He researched his First Amendment Rights as a student and went back to school determined to wear his shirt to mark the 2012 National Day of Silence. On his own, Maverick repeatedly requested the right to wear the shirt and was told each time that he would be suspended if he wore the shirt. Maverick called Lambda Legal.

On January 24, 2012, Lambda Legal sent an educational letter to the school, something we commonly do in cases like this, reminding school officials that students are protected under the First Amendment. The School Board refused to change its position, arguing that Maverick’s t-shirt is “sexual” and “indecent.”

Today, LAMDA LEGAL papers in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio asking the court to issue an injunction prohibiting the school from further interference with Maverick’s First Amendment rights.

Throughout this process, Maverick Couch has led the way. Maverick is standing up for his rights as well as for the rights of LGBTQ students around the country. He truly is a Maverick.

Stand Up 4 Equality with Maverick:
Learn More and Sign Our “Let Maverick Wear His Shirt” Petition

Learn more about the case by visiting our case page for Couch v. Wayne Local School District

Request a limited edition “Maverick”
t-shirt that you can wear on this year’s National Day of Silence, with
your gift of $25 in support of Lambda Legal’s work. The shirt comes in 2 unique styles.


SAY NO to Gay Russia Travel

Yep – it’s true – it is now  a criminal law to “promote” homosexuality in Russia. What does that mean exactly?

No gay pride, no gay magazines, no gay websites, no gay clothing, no gay bumper stickers, etc.  Basically hide and shut up.

Here’s a brief sentence from Polina Savchenko, the General Manager the St. Petersburg LGBT organization Coming Out:

Today it became known that the governor of St. Petersburg Georgiy
Poltavchenko signed the homophobic law, imposing administrative fines on
the so-called “propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality,
transgenderism” and paedophilia to minors.

Homosexuality was decriminalized in Russia in 1993, but anti-gay sentiments remain strong. Now this.

IN 20100 – Europe courts  said  Russia could not get away with this –  A  ruling was  issued against Russia, the European Court of
Human Rights rebuked the Moscow authorities for repeatedly denying
activists the right to hold gay pride marches, Human Rights Watch said
last week.

The court, ruling on October 21, 2010, said the ban violated the right to freedom of assembly. It also ruled that the Moscow authorities
had unlawfully discriminated against activist Nikolay Aleksandrovich
Alekseyev and the organizers of gay pride events on the basis of sexual
orientation, and had denied them a remedy having violated their rights.

AN APPEAL  will be made to the European Court of Human Rights. 


Marriage Equality is the Hot topic for 2012 Election

It’s been made obvious this year, ALL of the Republicans running for office  are  ANTI-Gay marriage.

Check this out!   The chairman of the 2012 Democratic National Convention on Wednesday
announced support for including same sex marriage in the party’s
official platform.

During a Politico Playbook breakfast, Mike Allen asked Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa if he thought the “Democratic national platform should have a marriage equality plank?”

“I do,” Villaraigosa replied. “You know, I think it’s basic to who we
are. I believe in family values and I believe that we all ought to be
able to have a family and marry if you want to.

I don’t think the
government should be in that business of denying people the fundamental
right to marry.”

I never thought I would see this in my lifetime!   YAY!



Gay War on Russia

Since this video was launched to protest Russia’s new gay censorship
law 4 days ago, thousands of people have left horrendous, hateful
comments like “Die all of you, faggots!” and “Fags should go in the

Thanks to you, the video is having a huge impact and going viral with over 200,000 views1, but right now a minority of violently extreme voices are drowning us out on the page.  The messages are so terrible that many Russian
All Out members asked that we disable the comment feature – and for one
day we did – but the All Out team just made the decision to open them
back up and give you a chance to change the conversation.

It will take 30 seconds to log into YouTube
(you can do it with your Gmail account), but it will really make a
difference.  Journalists and Russian lawmakers who see this viral video
think the supporters of hate are ruling the day.  
Will you help us overwhelm
the page with messages of equality from all around the world and share
the emotional video with your friends and family:

Alberto, Andre, Erika, Flavia, Guillaume, Jasmin, Jeremy, Joseph, Oli, Tile and Wesley 

PS – The Governor of St. Petersburg has still not
signed the “gay gag rule” into law.  You said “don’t go there” and it’s
working – keep up the pressure by
watching, commenting and spreading the word.



Piers Morgan Defends Kirk Cameron’s Anti-Gay Comments

When Kirk Cameron — ’80s heartthrob-turned-staunch advocate for Christian conservative values — appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday, he did not keep a lid on his controversial views about gay marriage.

“I think that it’s unnatural,” Cameron, who played Mike Seaver on the family sitcom Growing Pains,
said of homosexuality. “I think that it’s detrimental and ultimately
destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.”

Piers Morgan told TMZ that he feels Cameron “was honest to what he believed” even if most people find his views to be “antiquated.”  Morgan says Cameron was “brave” for taking the bait. He says most folks would not voice their homophobia.

“In his interview, Kirk Cameron sounds even more dated than his 1980’s TV character,” gay-rights group Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) fired back.

is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly
people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and
sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not
condemned because of their sexual orientation,” the organization said in
a statement.

Alan Thicke, who played Cameron’s father on Growing
Pains, tweeted, “I’ll address Kirk’s comments as soon as I recover from Rush Limbaugh’s.” 

Although former actor whack job Stephen Baldwin thinks Kirk Cameron did a “great
job” making antigay remarks on television last Friday, other celebrities
including Roseanne Barr, Debra Messing, and Cameron’s former Growing Pains costars Tracey Gold and Alan Thicke disagree.

An online petition has been launched against Cameron by GLAAD. Over 2000 people have signed it, telling the actor “it’s time to finally grow up.”


Gay Music Teacher FIRED TWICE

Al Fisher fired from St. Ann Catholic School and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Catholic Church for marrying partner.

St. Louis (KSDK) – A music teacher who was fired from one Catholic school has been fired from his second job.

St. Ann Catholic School fired Al Fischer last week after finding out
that he planned to marry his male partner. Fischer was also the music
director at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Catholic Church in Florissant.

His partner, Charlie Robin, says Fischer will not speak publicly right now.

Some St. Ann parents say Fischer was a popular instructor and didn’t deserve to be fired.


Through Facebook, his partner Charlie passed this letter  on-

I was asked to repost Al’s letter to the parents at his (former) school.
We’re kind of beyond trying to control the message since it’s become a
national story, so do share as you will. In Al’s own words:

Hi there,
friends. I know you have all heard about my joyful news, and my sad
news. The joyful news is that after 20
years together, my partner Charlie and I are getting officially married
in New York City… and seeing a Broadway show! The sad news is that I
can’t be your music teacher anymore. I know many of you are chomping at
the bit to do something, to make some sort of difference in this, and
are looking for a way to do it.

I have some concrete requests and
suggestions. The first is that you read this email a time or two. I am
being careful with every single word, and really want to get my point
across. Many of your kids have been working with “Top 20” lingo and
paradigms. In the Top 20 world they talk about “tornadoes”. This is a
self-feeding growing circle of rage that can happen when people get in
the cycle of expressing anger to each other and dwelling in frustration,
instead of expressing themselves to the people who can make a
difference. I get the love and support behind your anger and this email
circle that’s been spreading, and I invite you instead to take positive
action by writing two people who may have some power to make a change in
Catholic education policy in the future. Letters may be addressed to
Mr. George Henry (Superintendent of Catholic Schools) and Msgr. John
Unger (Deputy Superintendent for Catechesis and Evangelization).

Their addresses are the same: 4445
Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.

Secondly, I ask that you don’t “go
public” or “take it national”. I am in action crafting my response to
this injustice, and I am going to be doing it through my work and
position as Artistic Director of the Gateway Men’s Chorus, St. Louis’
gay men’s chorus. (Our next concert is March 31! Tickets and info at!)

I have a team of pros taking a look at this issue and
crafting how we can best shine a light on this and work to make a
difference. I ask that you let me make the choice of how and when I
respond to this, rather than lashing out to the media and taking that
choice from me. I think the word has been well spread that this is not
the fault of St. Ann School or it’s leadership, and I want to emphasize
that I get that too.

Both Mary Jo and Fr. Bill are still there for me in
a big way. I ask that you help them keep their focus on the things that
are important: the business of running a school, supporting your kids,
and (sadly) finding a music teacher. Please let the reputation of your
school remain strong. Please watch what you say to outsiders and in
public, which is exactly what I wish I had done a touch more of.
Another thing that I think could make a huge difference is for you to
talk to your children about what happened. Social justice is an area of
vital importance to the Catholic Church, and they do great work in this
area. A family conversation about whether or not justice was served here
could be a great thing. I do not want the lesson from this for the kids
to be, “Keep your mouth shut, hide who you are or what you think if it
will get you in trouble”.

In a just world, uncomfortable truths need to
be stated. Unpopular stands need to be taken. Just look at Martin Luther
King. Just look at Jesus. I think the thing I am most sad about is
that I didn’t get to say goodbye to your kids. Please tell your children
that I love them and will miss them. Please tell them to sing out in
Mass. Please tell them that this Friday no one can talk during GO
CRUSADERS. I wrote that song, and I wrote it for them. I want them to be
proud of who they are and where they are: a loving community and a
great school.

And a few more random requests: Give your new music
teacher a chance. They just want to do a good job. Ask your kids to make
them a welcome card on his or her first day. First days are scary. Just
because they do it differently from me, it doesn’t mean it’s worse. If
you hear of any work for a musician or music teacher, let me know. I do
not intend to be a stranger. Peace and much love, Al Fischer


NEWT GINGRICH Vows to End Gay Marriage CHAOS

RIGHT WING WATCH says, “Today on a conference call with the Gingrich Faith Leaders Coalition
that included guest speakers Jim Garlow and J.C. Watts, Newt Gingrich claimed
that he will push for not only a federal marriage amendment to outlaw
marriage equality but also a federal law to prohibit states from
legalizing same-sex marriage.

 He claimed that states with marriage
equality are contributing to legal “chaos” and said that “if we are
going to defend marriage in the end it will probably require a federal
law.” After a questioner asked whether same-sex marriage would lead to
people seeking to marry dogs and cows, Gingrich, who on an earlier
conference call described same-sex marriage as “paganism,”
didn’t push back against the offensive comparison to bestiality but
instead blamed the country’s teachers for why people are more accepting
of such beliefs.

Seriously Newt?


Priest Refuses Communion to Lesbian at Funeral

 Here we go again.
Who do these priests think they are? God?

A lesbian is demanding that the priest who refused to serve her Communion at her mother’s funeral be removed from his ministry.

Seattle Times reports,

Deep in grief, Barbara Johnson stood first in line for Communion at her
mother’s funeral Saturday morning. But the priest in front of her
immediately made it clear she would not receive the sacramental bread
and wine.

“He put his hand over the body of Christ and looked at me and said, ‘I
can’t give you Communion because you live with a woman, and in the eyes
of the church, that is a sin,’ ” she recalled Tuesday.

Family members said the priest left the altar while Johnson was
delivering a eulogy for her mother and he  did not attend the burial or find another priest
to be there. –  He said he was SICK. And did not feel well.

Since Saturday, other Catholics have told him that the experience has
shaken their faith. “You have serious questions about how American
Catholics in particular practice their faith. How many divorced people
live in a technical state of sin? How many people practice some form of
artificial birth control in a state of sin?” he said. “If the church
will now have these ‘state of grace’ police, you know, how can that be?
That’s the most personal thing in the world — between a person and God.”

Read the full article!

IN 2008 – A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that
they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for
Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion.


Chicago’s Hermene Hartman – The Barack Obama Book

Fund this new book, The Barack Book, for a $25 pledge, and you get a copy of the book, when it comes in November!

books published or movies made is a tough business these days.  Artists
and writers are taking it upon themselves, to get their own seed money,
to bring their products to the marketplace.

2012 many books will be published on President Obama as he comes up for
reelection.  But Chicago’s Hermene
Hartman, Bob Starks, and Derrick Baker have a unique perspective on the
man.  They were there from the beginning. 

And Barack is their friend. 

the long-time publisher of N’DIGO, a weekly targeted at Chicago’s black
middle class, Hartman was the first to cover the young, black Chicagoan
rising in the political ranks.  First he was her friend, then he became
an Illinois senator, and then the President Obama we all know today.
 Hartman and colleagues Starks and Baker recognized the political
potential of Mr. Obama early on and since 2003 have covered him from a
unique black Chicago perspective.

you have supported Obama from the beginning, now is your chance to
remain involved in spreading the man’s worldwide significance via The Barack Book.

This trio  of writers  are using Kickstarter to fund the creation of The Barack Book 
and need your involvement to help cement President Obama’s legacy. 
They have less than 3 weeks to raise the $15,000 needed to get this
project off this ground. And if you pledge $25 – you will get a copy of
the hardcover book, when it comes out this November. If you can pledge
more, there are  even more incentives!

Please help fund this very important book from Chicago, on Barack Obama.


PROP 8 News Today


Live Webcast:

9th Circuit Rules on Prop. 8

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will issue a major decision on
the constitutionality of Prop.8 and marriage for gay and lesbian

Join the Prop.8 challenge’s official sponsor for a livestream
press conference discussing the historic ruling.

Broadcasts starts at 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT

Los Angeles Mayor to Host Special Community Event After Ninth Circuit’s Proposition 8 Ruling
 Mayor Villaraigosa, the American Foundation for
Equal Rights and over ten national, statewide and local groups will
co-host a special community event today at 5:00 p.m. PST in the Los
Angeles City Hall Rotunda.  The event will be held in response to
today’s ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit in the landmark federal civil rights case Perry v. Brown.
 The Ninth Circuit will determine whether to uphold the historic August
2010 decision of the Federal District Court that found Proposition 8 unconstitutional.  Proposition 8 stripped gay and lesbian Californians of the fundamental freedom to marry. 
